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At an empty class...

"Little boys shall not roam on the street at night" Kim said making Chay shocked.

Chay looked in Kimhan's eyes. Kim's eyes were boring into that of Chay's. His eyes with the white lens looked like that of a predator. Anyone looking at them are surely to be intimidated but Chay looked at him fearlessly.

Kim's evil look did not make Chay scared, in fact he thought that Kim looked handsome like that.

"H-how do know about me being on street at night?" Chay asked.

Kim finally stepped back and fixed his hair with his hand, "Yesterday you were on the street near the mall, I was passing by" Kim said, "Do you know that the girl was kidnapped from that area only?" He said with a cunning smirk.

"Wait...what were you doing on the street that late?" Chay asked.

"I don't fall in the category of the killer, and moreover I'm not bound to tell you about my reason" Kimhan said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm also not bound to tell you anything P'Kim" Chay said a bit angrily before storming away from there.

Chay did not look back and went to find Eun. He soon found Eun in the canteen.

"P'Eun!" He said. The girl looked back at him and smiled.

"Hey Chay whats up?" Eun asked.

"Umm...actually I needed a favour" Chay said, "Please don't say no"

"What is it Chay?" She asked.

"Can you please help me meet P'Dae?" Chay asked, "It's really important"

"Umm...sure. I'll ask him toda-" Chay cut her off.

"No don't tell him that I want to meet him!" Chay said, "Just convince him for going out on a date with you and I'll go instead"

"You want me to trap him...but why?" Eun asked a little shocked.

"Come on P'Eun...please" Chay pleaded, "Anyways he's your boyfriend so he won't say no...but if you tell him I want to meet him he'll refuse. I really need some information...please"

"Ok ok wait" Eun said.

She immediately called Dae and asked him out on a date. They decided meet at a nearby café.

"Thank you so much P'Eun!" Chay said and gave her a big smile.

"You're welcome Chay" She smiled back at him.

Chay then went to find his friend Kat. Soon he met Kat who was standing in front of the class. He went towards him. As Kat saw him he looked at him angrily.

"Where the hell were you Chay? You did not even attend the class" Kat said angrily.

"Sorry sorry Kat but I need to go now. Please take notes of the next class. I have to meet someone. I'll tell you everything later. Bye!" Chay said and went away leaving a confused Kat alone.

Chay quickly sneaked out of the university and went to the café. He was there 10 minutes early.

He ordered a coffee for himself while waiting for Dae. Soon Dae entered the shop searching for Eun but his eyes fell on Chay. As soon as he saw Chay he muttered some curses under his breath and proceeded to leave.

"P'Dae wait please!" Chay pleaded, "It's important"

The man grunted and sat in front of Chay, "Look Chay I cannot tell you's better if you stay away from the case. Let the police do their work"

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