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At the empty class...

After judging his situation from all sides Chay at last gulped down his pride and walked towards Kimhan...

Kim was sitting leisurely on the bench spreading his legs and leaning his head backwards. His eyes were closed and it looked like he was resting.

With small uncertain steps Chay walked towards Kim and stopped in front of the latter. Kim's eyes were closed but he could still hear the footsteps which stopped right in front of him.

Chay knelt down on his knees feeling embarrassed and humiliated. Tears of humiliation were threatening to fall down from his eyes but he held back.

With shaking hands he touched Kim's belt. He fiddled a little trying to open the belt but his hands were shaking too much. Kim opened his eyes as he felt Chay's hands on his pants.

He looked down to find the boy struggling to open his belt. Chay's eyes were staring downwards. Kim could feel the uneasiness and embarrassment of the boy.

Kim knew that Chay was feeling humiliated but he did not stop. He wanted to see how far Chay can go to get his help.

Chay was still struggling with the belt while Kim looked at him intensely. His cold eagle like eyes were trying to judge the boy's action. But he could see nothing else except genuineness. Chay's humiliation did not stop him from doing what Kim had asked him to do as he really needed Kim's help.

Chay was at last able to understand how to open Kim's unique belt and he was going to do so when Kim held his hands. Chay was just looking down not finding the courage to look at the older's eyes.

Kim held Chay's jaw a bit harshly and made Chay look at him. As Kim looked at the younger's eyes the only thing he could see was stubbornness. Kim smirked.

"Are you sure you're gonna suck my cock rather than leaving the shitty killer alone" Kim asked curiously.

Chay gulped and held the older's gaze. His one hand was still on Kim's pants.

"I need your help P'Kim" Chay said again.

Kim held the gaze of the younger for one more moment before standing up.

"I'm not in the mood anymore" He said adjusting his pants. Chay was still on his knees.

"Meet me at my apartment tomorrow" Kim said, "We'll discuss everything there"

Kim then walked towards the door. But he stopped before opening the door and looked back.

"And yes" Kim said, "You better not roam about on the street tonight, it can be dangerous. We can start to plan something from tomorrow"

Saying that Kim left from the place whistling a little and leaving the boy confused.

As Chay heard Kim's footsteps fade, he at last sat on the ground and let his tears fall. Kim had hit his pride and brought him on his knees. Chay had never pleaded to anyone so much. But atleast he had been able to make Kim agree to help him.

Chay just whimpered a little and quickly wiped his tears which were going to fall on the ground. He shall not cry. Yes the situation had went a bit out of hand and he was nearly sexually harassed by Kimhan Theerapanyakul, but his mission had succeeded.

He got up on his feet and took a deep breath to calm his nerves down. He closes his eyes before opening them again and smiling a little.

"Sorry P'Kim" He mumbled to himself, "But it's not possible for me to sit at home at night"

Saying that he left the classroom to find his friend Kat.

Sometimes later...

"So P'Kim agreed to help you...just like that?" Kat asked curiously while he and Chay were walking home.

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