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I am actually very bad at writing torture scenes so please don't mind...

A day after kidnapping Rose...

A girl was tied to a chair firmly. She was unconscious but was slowly returning to consciousness. Her head was paining and she was dizzy.

She slowly opened her eyes to find herself in an unknown atmosphere. It was kind of a dungeon, cold and dark. She looked around to find her father tied to another chair.

"Dad!" She said as she tried to get up but she was all tied up. She struggled to get out of the ropes but in vain.

"You're up Rosie" She suddenly heard Kim's voice, "Good morning"

From Kim's words Rose understood that it was morning, otherwise the dungeons were so dark that it was not possible to identify night from day.

"H-how are you alive?" Rose asked shocked. She remembered to have checked Kim's pulse herself. She is sure she saw that Kimhan was dead. Then how the hell is he standing in front of her right now?

"Well it looks like neither heaven nor hell wants to accept me right now. But don't worry I had already bought two tickets from hell so that you and your father do not have much problem getting there. After all you were ONCE my life" Kim said.

He then kept the things he was carrying on a table. He picked up a syringe and looked towards Rose.

"Do you know what this is?" Kim asked. Rose looked at him suspiciously. She knew it was some kind of painful drug but did not know exactly what.

Kim slowly walked towards her and stopped in front of her. He flaunted the syringe in front of her and then went to inject it to her body.

"Kim-" She tried to struggle but Kim held her tight with one hand and injected the drug to her body with another.

Rose closed her eyes expecting the pain to rip her apart but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to find Kim smirking at her.

"You are not going to feel it right now Rosie. It was a curare agent. The action will start a few moments later" Kim said as he casually sat on the chair. He took out a burger and started munching on it. Of course he was hungry as he did not had breakfast yet, he was a human after all.

Rose's started to control her breaths and calm down. She had been in situations like this before. In this kind of situation, the more you panic the more painful will be the drug. But still her heart was beating uncontrollably. She was nervous and her father was still unconscious.

Kim was enjoying his burger counting on the seconds for the drug to act. Soon Rose started whimpering. Kim smirked seeing that. The action of the drug has started.

Soon her whimpers started to transform into agonizing screams. The drug inside her was causing her muscle cramps and also it was forbidding her from breathing. Her nerves popped out and eyes rolled back while her body was turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

The pain was so different that it could not be described. Rose never felt a pain this intense in her whole life. She was blacking out from suffocation. Her eyes were closing.

The oxygen left her lungs, her face turned pale, whole body started to turn blue, lips trembled and the pumping of heart slowed down. She nearly passed away when Kim swiftly injected the antidote in her.

The contraction of her muscles eased and the pain in her body stopped. She immediately gulped on the oxygen holding onto her precious life. Kim chuckled at her behaviour, still munching on his burger.

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