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I think, out of all the traits he had shown, the thing that got to me the most was his boisterous laughter. The way his head would tilt back or sometimes when he'd cover his mouth to muffle his laughter was so intriguing. It would bounce off the walls and ring in your ears.

He was just a nice person - you couldn't deny his charm. But I wasn't sure if I liked it. I hated unravelling people down to their true selves - I hated disappointment. It had always been that I would be crushed once I realised how someone was really like. I had a feeling that he would be that way too, but he was so inviting and warm, it seemed impossible every time I saw him.

"So, what do you two usually do on weekends?" I ask Niall, and he shrugs. "We don't do much, I usually get too occupied with work to bring Regine out." Regine pouts at his words, poking at her Froot Loops in disgust. "It's boring here," she sighs, and I feel Niall tense in the chair next to me. He releases a cough, glaring at her. "We go on trips to see Grandma sometimes, in Ireland."

"Why don't we go out today, then? You've got nothing on today, right?" I suggest, Regine's eyes widening at the thought. "We need to, Daddy!" She squeals, and we both stare him down intently until he agreed.


Regine squealed in excitement as she saw the balls of fur in the adoption centre, hurriedly tripping over her own two feet. Niall decided that Regine could use a pet to keep her company, besides, she'd always wanted one but Janice would never allow it, apparently.

A grin spread across Niall's face as he watched his daughter run around the centre, looking at the different dogs. She finally stopped at one that enclosed an adorable little creature, its' fur a light shade of brown.

"A Labrador Retriever.." I read the tag, my voice slowly fading as I remembered that it was the same breed that my brother and I got for Emily in spite of my parents' protests and scoldings. It was strong, protected her and kept her company when Harry and I couldn't. It kept her going. The dog's name was Hope, and it lived up to its' name.

"Do you want this one?" Niall asks, taking a look at the price, not flinching in the slightest. Regine nods ecstatically, and he calls the store attendant over. The lady smiles, her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose perfectly. "Sorry, got a little busy working the register again. Now, a Labrador is awfully playful and reliable. Couldn't be a better choice for a family like you. This guy was potty trained by his previous family but they brought him here after they didn't have the ability to look after him."

I wanted to interrupt her to say that we weren't a family, but I didn't. The rush that my cheeks felt stopped me from doing so. "Are you sure, Regine?" Niall asked, and the little one nods. I couldn't fight the grin on my face as I stood by the side, watching Regine interact with her new canine friend. Within an hour, we were on the way back to Niall's, eager for Regine to begin warming up to the dog.

"What do you want to call it?" I asked, petting its' thick coat of fur. "Blaze," She confirms, looking at the dog after saying so. "Blaze." Niall nods in agreement, "That's a lovely name, Regine. Now if you ladies would excuse me, I have some work to get back to."

Regine frowns, but doesn't seem to mind after Mr. Horan gave her a peck on the forehead, before padding out of the room. "It's alright, peach. Hold on a second, we could play a prank on your daddy. Would you like that? Just like that time with the oreos."

Her eyes twinkled at the mention of those oreos, and an cheeky smile spreading across her face. She runs to the kitchen, grabbing a can of whipped cream from the fridge. "Let's do this!"

He typed at his laptop furiously, not noticing as Regine creeps up behind his desk chair. I give her a thumbs-up from the door, and she screams before jumping up and pressing down on the nozzle, whipped cream spraying onto his desk. "What the fu-" He shouts, but stops once he realises that it's his own daughter. "Regine. It's all over my computer! God damn it, where's Andrea?"

I push the door open, inviting myself in. His face was red with anger, though I didn't quite see the point. His laptop could be replaced easily - all his files were backed up, too. "Andrea, I hired you to help me out, not give me more trouble. Regine's become such a troublemaker."

"She isn't a troublemaker. She's having fun," I spat, emphasising on the word 'fun'. "Sorry if you don't want your kid to have a great childhood, but I do because I care for her. Sorry if I don't want her to have a horrible childhood that revolved around nothing but her parents' lifestyles. Sorry if I can't do my job right, because I didn't sign up to be your babysitter."

His eyes narrowed into slits, hugging his daughter instinctively. "You're fired, Ms. Andrea Byrne. Clear your office by tomorrow, we have a company to run."

My mouth ran dry. I didn't have anything to say. I simply turned, walking out of the room calmly. "Your loss, Horan."

* * *

It wasn't as if I needed this damn job, I said to myself repeatedly, arranging my items in the cardboard box neatly. At least I survived a month in H&Co. Better than average was enough for me. I hadn't even bothered to come in proper work attire, it was just a halter top and a skater skirt, plus a denim jacket, presentable enough for me to get out of the house. It didn't make it better that I could already see his new assistant waiting by the lobby, giving me a weak smile when I walked past her before clearing my office out.

I shot her a half-hearted smile, carrying my box to the lift lobby.

"Do you need any help?" She asked, and I shook my head. "No, but thank you. You're such a sweetheart, have fun with Horan."

She grins, and returns to her seat on the sofa. She looked fresh out of university, wonder how he scouted this one. Her voice was soft, but she possessed an air of confidence that was admirable. I sighed, entering the lift. At least I've pleased my father by staying in this damn company for a month. The deal was that if I could stay for two weeks, I would be granted the wish to travel. Alone. It was something I'd always wanted to do.

I hurriedly drove back home, booking a ticket to Amsterdam on a plane that left in a week. There were unsettled scores left behind, and those I had to fix to patch my own reputation up.

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