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"Innocence to darkness

cruelty to grace"

My first book!

"Damien,  a powerful black wolf who is feared by many. He has no weakness or family his main goal is the reputation and the strength of his pack. Finding his mate would only make him weak so he would not actively search for her, but if fate brought them together, he already had a plan, to lock her away, not let anyone know that she is his mate."

" Would Airy's rescue be the salvation of her life and soul, or would it instead be the cause of her ultimate demise? Only time would tell."


Airy sat in her room, staring out the window at the dark, dreary sky outside. The only sound was the soft hum of the radiator in the corner, struggling to keep the room warm against the chilly November air. She had been counting down the days until November 15th, the day when the bus would arrive to take her and the other girls to the nearby city of Chester. It was a bittersweet day for Airy, as it meant leaving the safety and familiarity of the orphanage, but also marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

Airy had grown up in the only girls' orphanage in the small town of Crimoor. As she approached her 18th birthday, she knew that soon it would be her turn to leave and start college, just like the other girls before her. The orphanage had a policy that all girls who turned 18-19 were sent to the city to start college and get a small part-time job to support themselves. Airy was excited to start her own journey and take control of her life, but she was also apprehensive about leaving the only home she had ever known.

As she packed her bags, Airy couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The orphanage had been her home for as long as she could remember, and she had grown close to the other girls and the matrons who cared for them. But she knew that she couldn't stay there forever, and that it was time to move on and start building her own life.

On the morning of November 15th, Airy and the other girls gathered outside the orphanage, their bags packed and ready to go. The bus pulled up, its engine rumbling loudly in the stillness of the early morning. Airy took a deep breath and climbed aboard, taking a seat near the back of the bus.

As they drove through the winding roads of Crimoor, Airy couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. She knew that she was leaving behind the only home she had ever known, and that things would never be the same again. But she also felt a sense of excitement, of the possibilities that lay ahead of her. She would be starting college in the city, majoring in Art, with the hopes of one day becoming a teacher.


"Thank you for giving this book a try I have had this book written in my head for 5 years"

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