Chapter 15

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Airy POV

I was abruptly awakened by a sharp pain shooting through my hip. My hand instinctively flew to the area, only to find a large bandaid covering it. The events of the previous night came flooding back to me like a torrential downpour, washing away any remnants of blissful ignorance that remained.

As I surveyed my surroundings, I realized that I was in an unfamiliar room. It was significantly larger than the one I had stayed in before, with a cold feel to it. The furniture was predominantly black, lending a somber air to the room. There were two other doors besides the one I had entered through, one leading to a bathroom and the other to a closet. Big doors were located on the Left side leading to a big balcony. I noticed a pair of slippers by the bed and quickly put them on.

Just as I was about to explore the room further, the door suddenly swung open, causing me to jump out of my slippers. A wave of panic washed over me as Vivian, appeared in the doorway, looking worried. "Oh my dear, I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you were still sleeping," she said, her voice tinged with sadness. "I'll go and get you some breakfast, alright?"

I didn't respond, still processing the events of the previous night. Vivian departed, leaving me alone in the room. My eyes fell upon a large mirror on the left side of the room, and I slowly made my way towards it. I was wearing the same clothes that Alpha had given me the night before, a pair of sweatpants and a pajama top. As I looked at my reflection, I couldn't help but focus on the bruise on my cheek and the cut on my lip that had already scabbed over. My eyes were swollen and sunken, bearing the marks of a constant crying and a sleepless night. The fear that had consumed me the previous night began to rise in my chest once again.

"I can't stay here," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible. Without thinking, I opened the door and ran down the stairs, barely registering the two exit doors leading to the street and the woods. I took the second exit, running as fast as I could. The pain from the bandaid on my thigh and the oversized slippers I was wearing made it difficult, but I pushed through. All I could think was, 'Please, let me get out of here.'

My hopes and dreams came crashing down when I saw him. The gray eyes gave him away; it was Alpha, the leader of the werewolf pack. There was no escaping him, but maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't notice me. However, my hopes were dashed as he approached me, of course he did, I am sure he saw me way before i even noticed him, his steps slow and deliberate. I was scared, more scared than I had ever been. Even though I knew he wouldn't hurt me, his sheer size and presence were enough to make my heart race.

He let out a low growl and came closer to me, sniffing under my chin. Then, to my surprise, he lowered himself into a lying position and gestured for me to climb onto his back. I hesitated, unsure of what he wanted, but he repeated the gesture, making it clear that he wanted me to ride on his back. I cautiously climbed onto his massive frame, gripping his black fur tightly.

Alpha stood at a staggering 7 feet tall, but my weight was nothing to him. He started walking back towards the pack house but took a turn when we reached a clearing in the woods. I had no idea where we were going, but I held on tight.

We arrived in front of a door that led to a set of stairs going down into an underground basement. I had to run now!

 he probably wanted to put me in this basement for running away. 

Out of nowhere That driver man appeared and led me down the stairs, the fear in my heart was about to burst. the wolf also followed us and disappeared the second time I turned to look back.

What are they going to do with me?

The man reached a cell looking room and told me to enter, Alpha appeared back again with just a pair of shorts showing his toned and muscular open chest. 

He entered the cell with me.

What I saw next made me want to throw up and the tears formed in my eyes, It was Gary, mostly unrecognizable but it was him hanging from both of his hand above his head.

I turned to leave, but Alpha held me put and shook his head.

He looked behind me at the table, "Pick something from there" he said more like a command. I turned to look at the table. 

There were several tools, which looked to be torture tools laid down on that table. I tuned to him in a questioning face.

I did not want to be here, the smell of this place followed by the memories of last night that were flashing before my eyes were enough for me to pass out. I shook my head looking into his eyes. 

"PICK UP, SOMETHING" he said with greeted teeth, I knew exactly where this was going. I didn't want to make him angry and end up hanging like Gary so I did, I turned and picked up a small knife. 

Alpha smiled, a sinister smile spread across his face.

"Now, do whatever you what with him" he said with that same smirk in his face, I looked at him in disbelief. I stood frozen and couldn't move when suddenly Gary gained consciousness and made groaning noises, it made me startled so I dropped the knife from my hands.

Alpha suddenly approached me and picked up the knife from the sharp edge and handed it to me, I hesitated to pick up but when I saw how the metal was burning him I quickly grabbed the other end of the knife.

I looked at him in the eyes, tears already falling from my mine.

"I can't do this" I said lowering my head and looking at the knife.

"have you seen your face?" he asked "Have you seen the marks on your body?", "Do you know what he was trying to do last night!" he said practically screaming with greeted teeth and eyes almost black.

"or are you that naive, besides being weak and pathetic" he added. he didn't have to say all that to me. It wasn't like I didn't know already that I was weak and pathetic. But I knew exactly what he wanted to do. I would love the idea of hurting him but I can't do it.

"It's not entirely his fault" I said, noticing the confusion on his face, so I continued, "It's not him who locked me in that room, who assign me a guard without knowing their full intention, or told people to avoid talking to me, I am a prisoner in that room", I paused, because the pain in my throat was consuming me.

"It's your fault", I said pointing the knife at him, he came closer with a few steps and his chest touched the tip of the knife that I was holding. 

The mere contact made his skin burn slightly so I retreated back enough for there to be no contact.

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