Chapter 8: Metal Secrets

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Blaze had been waiting for what felt like forever. He did not realize he would have to climb down a cliff. When he thought about walking off a cliff for River, he did not think it was going to be a reality. Climbing out the window of his room wasn't easy either. Getting to the ground was easy but climbing out without making too much noise was nerve-wracking. 


He looked around but couldn't locate where River was but it was too dark.

"Where are you?"

"Up here." 

He looked but couldn't see her. "This isn't funny." 

"It's a little funny."

"Come on, River."

River laughed, " Down here."

Looking at the water he could see her head barely touching the surface. She smiled at him before emerging more resting her arms at the edge of the landing. "Hey"

Blaze couldn't help but smile back. "Hey. Is this your secret place?"

She laughed, "No. It's a surprise, but you have to get into the water."

Blaze wasn't so certain; he was out of his element. "Uhhh, okay. I can swim, but I'm not great at it."

River smiled. "That's okay. You won't have to swim too much."

Blaze got into the water slowly; a coldness enveloped his body. "It's so cold."

"It's not far. You're going to have to get underwater. So no one sees us."

"How long?"

"Underwater? Not long. But I'm better than most of my people at holding my breath. Umm."

He watched her thinking. "I thought people from your Clan could breathe underwater?"

She laughed, "No. We need to breathe. Okay, so umm... Do you mind holding onto me?"

He smiled, hoping she wouldn't sense his nervousness. "Uh, yea." He opened his arms, and she swam closer. Blaze wrapped his arms around her.

"You have to hold tight. If you need air, do you need to tap on me? Okay?"

Blaze squeezed tighter.

River smiled, "Okay, deep breath, then we are going underwater."

Blaze took a deep breath and dived under with her. Before he could look around, he felt a force of water pushing them both forward underwater. He was trying hard to hold his breath, but he was panicking. The water, the cold, the force, the air in his lungs. Blaze felt like he had been underwater for too long. He started to tap on her back, but they were going up, or at least he couldn't feel it. He tapped harder and began to panic. He was going to die; he could feel it. All at once he felt a change in the atmosphere. He took a large breath and let go of River, reaching for anything nearby that felt solid. He felt a rocky surface and tightened his grip.

"Blaze, stop. Blaze!"

He regained some of his senses and felt an immediate pain in his hand. A hand reached out to his, and he saw River.

"Those rocks are too jagged. You cut your hand."

He tried to put in the water to clean off the blood but was struck with pain. He wanted to yell, but River placed her hand over his mouth to stop him.

"Shh, be quiet. It's saltwater, you idiot." River grabbed his hand, and he felt a strange feeling where the cut was.

"Stay still; I'm healing it. It's going to feel strange... Okay, there all better."

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