Chapter 9: Corrupted Hearts

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Blaze moved away from River. The tiny sparks grew more frequent and varied in size.

"I don't know."

River couldn't regulate her breathing. Panic overtook her, and she couldn't finish words to make any discernable sentence. Her mind kept running to the worst places. This was a new ability caused by the vial. This was ancient magic; this was corrupted abilities. She couldn't go home, much less anywhere. All River wanted to do was spend time with someone she liked. Her panic shifted to Blaze. She had wrapped him in this mess. This would be worse for him. Her breathing grew more inconsistent. She was so selfish and never thought about the consequences for others. River felt tears welling in her eyes, and they grew more as her panic unfolded into deeper areas of guilt and self-hate.

Looking over to River, Blaze realized she needed help. He was trying to focus himself and his mind like he was taught as a child. Hoping the sparks would go away like his fire. His breathing returned to normal. As he calmed his mind, he found the sparks were slowing down. Until all of them disappeared. River was still panicking as she was struggling to breathe. Blaze moved over to River and held her in his arms.

"It's ok; everything will be ok." He spoke to her in gentle tones.

River had tears running down her face; she could barely form words between heaves of air. " I'm...sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It was my idea."

She held on to Blaze tight. "I ... can't... breathe."

"You're doing it now, just too quickly. Just find a place in your mind where you feel peace and hold it."

River remembered when she and Tide were little; they would snuggle up with their Mother as she told them stories. She missed those moments. River felt her breathing slow down.

"See? Now controlling your breathing. A deep breath in, hold it, then slowly release it."

She took a deep breath. Held it in for a moment, then slowly pushed the air from her lungs out. Doing this a few times, River began to feel grounded and calm. She never wanted to leave Blaze's arms.

"Are you feeling better?"

River looked up at Blaze, smiling at her. "I'm feeling better. I've made things worse like I always do."

"It was my idea, but it's nice not to deal with it alone."

She worried deeply and wanted to escape everything, " We could just run away."

"Too many responsibilities." Blaze wanted to go with her, go anywhere else.

"Too many people to look after."

Blaze and River sat back down on the pillows sitting across from each other.

Looking over to River, Blaze began to speak about the main matter at hand. "How are we going to hide this?"

"Control it like we do any power." River's answer was quick and the only answer available to them.

"That takes time. If we get caught, it's death."

"We'll figure it out." She wasn't too concerned. River was good at hiding things. Secrets, plans, people, and powers were just another stack to the pile.

"Are you tired?" Blazed yawned as he was stuck with a strange feeling of tiredness.

"Yes, I think it might be because of the vial. My head feels strange, and I was already planning to sleep here, but I can try to take you back."

River thought he would want to go back.

Blaze responded slowly, "Can I... just stay here?"

River smiled, "I thought you would have had enough of me."

"You are a bit much."

She felt a slight sting to her feelings.

Blaze continued moving his hand to the floor beside her, " but I think I'm beginning to enjoy it." He leaned in close to her, getting close to her face.

River could feel a slight blush; she couldn't think of a quip or a coy thing to say.

He smiled after seeing he had won the upper hand. "Got nothing to s..."

She leaned in and kissed him. He was right. She did have nothing to say

Blaze's hand moved slowly across her lower back. Her skin felt so calming. His arm tightened, pulling her closer. River was getting lost in the moment, and she kept losing control. Her kisses got deeper and more passionate. He was so warm, and she couldn't help; she wanted more. River thought he was the sun, and she only wanted to spend more time in his warm rays. Blaze felt her hand rest on his thigh. She felt like a nice breeze, and he wanted more from her. He wanted her touch, her kisses, her voice. He wanted everything and more, but the more he wanted, the more thoughts came to him. The bad ones, the ones that reminded him of all the consequences of everything they did, not just this but the powers. He thought of the abuse River faced and how much more would come her way. Then all he could see was her death, which made the pit in his stomach so much larger. He could feel her hand getting closer to the waist of his pants. He couldn't suppress his worries and grabbing her hand; he moved it away.

River stopped kissing him and looked at him. "I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?"

Blaze knew he could tell her, but something held him back, "No, I uh... It's difficult."

"What is?"

He had to tell her something. " The way our people are. The laws, it's hard to move past them."

"No one's going to find out." River was trying to hide the hurt, the feeling of rejection.

"I know, I trust you. Those laws, those ways, they never leave you. They poison your mind with fear." Blaze looked at her, and she seemed so disheartened. " I want to be here, and I want to be with you. I need time."

River's face softened. Her hurt was eased; she didn't care about the sex. She wanted it, but it was only a byproduct of wanting to spend time with him. River just wanted to be close to the kind boy who saved her, who wanted to make her smile and laugh.

"I like spending time with you. It doesn't matter how, just that I get to be near you."

Blaze smiled so brilliantly that River felt like she was watching the sunrise.

"Anyways, if you steal my breath for kissing you, I can't imagine what you would do if I fucked you." He said sarcastically.

River laughed, " Guess I'll never fuck you then."

"Well, that's a relief," he said, smiling. He leaned over and kissed her. River kissed him back. She broke the kiss and laid down on her pillows. Blaze laid down next to her side. They looked at each other for a moment before River spoke,

"What are these gifts? I have never seen anything like them."

Blaze paused before speaking, "Your's seems to be air based. But I have never seen anyone from the Air Clan take air from the lungs before."

River yawned, "I've never seen a gift like yours. It looked like lightning from the sky."

" We could stay here tomorrow? Practicing." Blaze couldn't help but return the yawn.

River felt herself drifting, " I would like that. Won't your family worry?"

Blaze smiled, "No, I have so many siblings they don't even notice half the time." Looking over, he noticed River's eyes were closed. "River?" She reached over, holding his hand.

"G'Night," she spoke softly.

"Night," Blaze replied, slowly drifting himself.

They both fell asleep, fingers entwined, hoping for tomorrow.

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