Chapter 13: Pretty Words

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Blaze could see River at the bottom of the landing. He saw her arms wrapped around her legs pulling them close to herself. Her face buried into her knees. 

"River," he whispered at the top of the cliff above the landing. 

She didn't stir from her position and Blaze wondered if she could hear him. He began climbing down the rocks. Once his feet hit the ground he could barely turn around before attacking him with a hug. She locked her arms around him.

"Hey. I'm excited to hang out with you too."

She didn't move her face from his chest. He could see past the hair on her head.

"River?" He tried to push her away but her arms tightened around him. There was a worry that grew within Blaze.

"River come on. Let go." He had to push her harder and it seemed she understood she could not win this.

River turned around facing away from Blaze. She knew he would see eventually but she was trying to prolong it as much as possible.

She was trying to get her voice to sound as normal as she could. But only a soft sentence came from her mouth. "Sorry I was looking forward to seeing you."

Blaze began to suspect something was off. River's voice did not sound right. It was raspy and softer than usual. He reached out to her shoulder and she brushed it away. "River, what's wrong?" He waited with no reply. The fabric on the back of her shirt was cut and the edges were covered in blood. He could not stop thinking about the worst things. The worrying grew until it became too much for him. "River look at me."

"Please, don't be upset." 

He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and she turned to face him. Blaze was horrified to see large purple bruising around her eye. He wished it could have stopped there, but there was deep bruising around her neck.

"Did your father choke you?"

"I had healed from the last bit but he caught me sneaking out."'

"What happened to your back?"

"I kicked him when I couldn't breathe anymore. I started to run but he used a water lash to try and slow me down. But I kept running and hid. My back healed but the cut was deep it's still healing underneath. My face and neck aren't healing fast enough."

Blaze wrapped his arms around her pulling her close. "River you can't go back. Come stay with my family."

"I have to go back. But it won't be until later."

"Why did you even come? You should be resting."

River wrapped her arms around him, "I didn't want you to think I forgot. Anyways." She looked up at him, "I rest better when it's with you."

Blaze sighed and looked down at her face, he hated to see the manifestation of her pain. "Ok."

She smiled up at him, "Is that sigh for me or another woman?"

Looking up to the sky he cursed, "Fucking Igni."

River laughed, " So another woman?"

"No. There's only you." He leaned down and kissed her gently.

She loved when he said only you it bounced around her head endlessly like an echo. It filled her heart with joy pushing out all the sorrow. She was already feeling better. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." This time going underwater wasn't nearly as bad as the first time. Blaze knew he could trust River and that there was plenty of air to get them there. As soon as they got to the cavern River went straight for the pillows in the corner. Following close behind Blaze laid down next to her. "I have a surprise for you."

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