Chapter 1 - Where it all started

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Friday, January 29th, 2016

Freshman year. Last day of the first week of spring semester.

Although, trudging through puddles of slush makes the whole 'spring' part feel like a far off dream.

Sapnap had never been one for the cold- growing up in Texas will do that to a person. He was enchanted by the first snowfall just before Thanksgiving break, but now he wished for the never ending dreary season to finally be over.


He looked up in the direction of the voice calling to him, spotting his roommate, Dream. He gave him a head nod before turning and walking towards him, stepping in yet another slush pile on the way. He weaved between the other students, ignoring the grunts and scoffs when he bumped into a few people on his way. It's not his fault there's limited sidewalk availability.

"You're not going to believe who's in my econ class- guess! Actually, don't even bother. It's that British guy from my geography class last semester! I can't believe-"

Sapnap almost immediately tuned out his friend. It was actually more like best friend these days. They'd been online friends for years, so when high school was wrapping up, they both agreed to go to the same college.

Considering there was this huge pressure to pick a college and career path that could very well determine the rest of his life, Sapnap figured it might be nice to have a familiar face beside him. Well, familiar enough to make him feel less alone but a fresh face compared to all his high school friends that tried insisting he join them at their town's community college.

"-and then he turned into a big, blue dragon in the middle of the lecture."

"That's cool, man." Sapnap said through a sigh, grunting when Dream held out his arm in front of him, stopping both of them in their tracks.

"You didn't even listen to a word I said." Dream sounded rather offended, giving Sapnap a pointed look.

"You got me there. Look, I'll pay attention when you say something worth listening to- like if you said you actually asked for his number this time. You know, the thing I tried getting you to do a million times? You can't expect me to listen to you gush about him for another semester otherwise." Sapnap muttered, putting in one of his headphones.

"Well, maybe if you listened, then you would know that I did better than get his number." Dream laughed, grabbing the other earbud out of Sapnap's hand and putting it in his own ear.

Sapnap looked up, giving the taller an unconvinced look. It only took a second for Dream to crack, rolling his eyes and bumping his shoulder against Sapnap's, and resuming their walk across campus.

"Okay, fine, maybe not better- but I did say hi to him! That has to count for something, considering all I did was stare at him from across a lecture hall last semester. You've gotta agree that's progress." Dream explained.

"Progress, sure. At this rate, maybe he'll even learn your name by the time we graduate." Sapnap shrugged, starting to become more focused on the music and less on their conversation. Dream laughed at his comment, nudging him before letting Sapnap walk in silence like he wanted the entire time.

He knew that Dream understood why he acted like this around people he didn't know. Online, Sapnap was loud and confident, the funniest one on a call. If it was just him and Dream around, like when they're alone in their dorm, he would be more like that- more himself.

But here, fighting their way through the crowded quad at North Carolina State University, surrounded by too many strangers to count, Sapnap was going to keep that side of him tucked away.

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