Chapter 11 - I was doing fine, then I met you

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Saturday, January 30th, 2016. The day of the party.

"Cleo, I don't get it, why won't you just go to the stupid party with me?" Sapnap asked, walking closely behind Cleo.

"I told you why. I don't want to." She answered without as much as looking back at him.

"Tell me why you don't want to." Sapnap requested, contently staying a few strides behind her. He wasn't surprised she was giving him an attitude, but he was surprised the promise of a night out together wasn't enough to appease her.

"I have to study." She shrugged, picking up her pace.

"Study for what? It's fucking syllabus week." Sapnap laughed, quickening his pace enough to grab her backpack, forcing her to stop trying to walk away from him.

"Babe, just talk to me. Tell me what's really going on." Sapnap sighed, reaching out a hand to stroke her cheek. Her pout melted at the touch, a genuine frown taking its place.

"My parents found out I failed my sociology class last semester and they said they won't co-sign any more student loans for me if I'm not taking school seriously. They said I need to get a fucking B or higher in the class this semester. I just don't want this semester to be like the last, where I spend all my free time partying. Yeah, I don't have anything to necessarily study for yet, but I'm trying to get into the routine of not going out." She explained.

Sapnap was surprised, to say the least. Since the day he met Cleo at orientation, she seemed like the kind of person who could never take anything seriously. At one point, Sapnap admired that about her- was envious of her carefree lifestyle. He grew up with strict rules to follow and corresponding harsh punishments whenever he stepped out of line.

"That's- yeah, okay, I get that." Sapnap smiled, shaking his head a bit. This was growth.

"Will you stop asking me to go now?" She tilted her head to the side, leaning her cheek further against the palm of his hand. Her cheeks were cold, dusted in pink from the chill in the air.

"Yeah, of course. How about this, I'll skip the party and we can just have a night in. Maybe review some of our syllabi and fill out our planners for the semester." Sapnap pitched, swiping his thumb across her cheek.

"Like I own a planner." She laughed. "No, you should still go out. Your friends already hate me enough, I don't need them to use this as fuel to the fire." She grumbled a bit at the end, turning to head back in her dorm's direction.

"They don't hate you, come on." Sapnap laughed, jogging forward and slipping his hand into hers. Her hands were cold, even through the thin pair of cloth clothes she was wearing.

"Go out, have fun, don't get too wasted." She shook her head, smiling when Sapnap lifted their hands to his mouth, kissing her wrist on the small space between her glove and the cuff of her sleeve.

"I have to head to my building, but I'll see you later. Love you." Sapnap smiled, letting go of her hand.

"I love you too, puppy." She waved, adjusting her backpack before heading into her own dorm.

Sapnap already knew he wouldn't be going to the party. Honestly, if Cleo was going to be responsible and start staying in more, Sapnap wanted to do everything he could to reinforce that behavior.

He was already making a mental checklist of things to get from the store to bring over tonight. It would be nice to surprise her with some snacks, maybe one of those letter boards to write 'proud of you!' on, and a new planner for the semester.

After a quick stop at Walmart and a trip to Gina's to grab a box of cannoli's, Sapnap was back in his dorm.

"There you are! Please help me. Should I wear the red sweater or the green one." Dream asked through a relieved sigh, alternating both crewnecks in front of his chest.

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