Chapter 7 - The best tears of your life

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

Senior year. The weekend after Sapnap and Cleo's first break up of the spring semester.

"Chug, chug-"

"Tell me to 'chug' one more time and I will personally send pictures from junior year spring break to your parents." George threatened, grimacing, as he pulled his half-full cup away from his mouth.

"Sapnap- chug, chug, chug!" Quackity shifted his focus after taking a second to consider George's warning.

"Way ahead of you." Sapnap smiled, slamming his fourth shot of the pre-game.

"I don't think we've gone this hard since, like, sophomore year." Dream laughed, slinging an arm around George's waist from behind and resting his head on his shoulder, swaying both of them.

"Speak for yourself, idiot." George grumbled, staring down his drink.

"If you wait long enough, all the alcohol will evaporate. Then, it'll, like, it'll taste less bad." Sapnap suggested, with a rather dopey smile, taking a sip of his Red Bull. It was meant to be a chaser, but with a friend group like theirs, Sapnap stopped needing one of those back when they were still freshmen.

"True words from Mr. STEM himself, ladies and gentlemen." Quackity clapped, gesturing grandly in Sapnap's direction. He poured out Sapnap and himself another round of shots, tapping the glass against the counter before clinking it against Sapnap's.

"Oh, shots?"

Sapnap perked up, both from the voice and from a body pressing against his back. An arm wrapped around his shoulders, while a freshly manicured hand took the shot away from him.

Sapnap leaned back into their chest to look at them upside down, watching them take his shot before leaning down and pressing their lips against his.

There wasn't much rational thinking left in Sapnap's brain by then, so if soft lips were kissing him- he was going to kiss them back.

"Boo!" Quackity called out from the other side of the kitchen island.

Sapnap pulled away, his lips feeling uncomfortably sticky from some kind of lip balm, and his hazy mind was taking far too long to recognize the person behind him.

"You're not still mad at me, right? You've ignored me for a whole week, I think I've been punished enough." Cleo's voice rang in his ears, like a sneak peek at what tomorrow's hangover was going to feel like.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Get out." Sapnap furrowed his brows, but he knew better than anyone that his voice didn't carry nearly as much sharpness as it should've.

"Aw, puppy, I said I'm sorry." She mumbled, leaning them both forward to grab another shot off the table. Sapnap looked around the room to see that pretty much everyone, now including himself, had sobered up from her sudden and very unwanted appearance.

"No. Hey- you told your parents you weren't going to drink anymore. Seriously, Cleo, what the fuck are you doing?" Sapnap scolded, taking the shot out of her hand and setting it back on the table. He stood up from the stool, holding tightly onto her wrist, as he led them out of the room.

"You're really concerned about what my parents-"

"Cleo. Leave. No one wants you here and I'm at the top of that list." Sapnap interrupted with his voice low, looking down at her from where she was leaning against the wall.

"Seemed like you wanted me here when I was kissing you. How about we just go back to that, hmm?" She suggested, running both her hands up his chest and resting them on his shoulders.

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