Chapter 2 - How it's going

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Wednesday, January 30th 2019.

Senior year. First day of the spring semester.

"Let's go out this weekend."

Sapnap groaned before Dream even finished his sentence.

"We're too old for that. Drinking isn't even illegal for us anymore, where's the fun in that?" Sapnap countered, resting his head on the granite countertop.

He and Dream were still living together, but they had upgraded from a shoebox-sized dorm room to a four bedroom apartment. Granted, they did also have the addition of two more roommates.

"It'll be fun because this is the week." Dream said with far too much enthusiasm for 9:30am.

"Yeah, yeah. This week a couple years ago you met the love of your life, but not really because you stalked him for a whole semester before that-"

"I didn't stalk him!" Dream defensively interrupted. As if on cue, George waltzed into the kitchen, still sporting his bed head.

"Are you guys talking about how you stalked me when we were freshmen?" George asked, stealing one of the slices of toast off Dream's plate before kissing his cheek. The kiss only distracted Dream for a second before the bickering was in full swing.

Like normal, Sapnap tuned them out. He had perfected that skill over the years. Whether it was third-wheeling on their dates or living one paper-thin wall away from them, he'd had plenty of time to master his craft.

"I've got a 9:45 that I'm definitely going to be late for. Anyone heading to campus now want a ride?" Quackity, the fourth housemate, offered. He stole the other slice of toast from Dream's plate, making George giggle and Dream groan, as he reached for a box of cereal.

"I'll take a ride." Sapnap shrugged, grabbing his bag from the barstool.

His first class wasn't for another couple hours, but he figured some down time in the library would beat watching Dream and George be disgustingly affectionate over cold toast and soggy Cheerios.

The ride to campus was quick. Partially because their house wasn't too far away, but mostly because Quackity definitely violated just about every traffic law in existence to get them there.

"Just pull up to your building. I'll park the car and walk from the lot by myself." Sapnap offered, tapping his finger on the window so Quackity would turn down the road towards the law building.

"Oh, dude, I owe you my life." Quackity gushed, speeding towards his building. Sapnap cracked half a smile before he went back to staring out the window.

The campus was covered in the usual layer of January slush. Sapnap was hoping that something about this being his last year to be around it would make him hate it a little less, but he didn't. He was still in his annual full-fledged swing of loathing North Carolina's winter.

"I'll be in the library 'til noon if you want your keys back!" Sapnap called out the window, fairly certain Quackity didn't hear a word he said when he waved over his shoulder as he ran.

Sapnap's phone vibrated in his pocket a few times, but he ignored it, figuring it was just Cleo.

God, Cleo .

To none of his friends' surprise, they had broken up. Again .

He blamed himself for it at this point. She'd cheat, he'd break up with her, he'd swear he was done giving her chances, but then something would always happen that drove him back to her.

More specifically, something with some one would always happen.

Half the reason Sapnap figured Dream wanted them to go out this weekend was so they'd run into that someone .

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