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emotional support

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THE NIGHTLIFE OF KETTERDAM WAS THRIVING WITH LIFE AS KAZ AND JULIE, along with Jesper who trailed behind them, weaved their way down the streets. Julie loved how Ketterdam looked at night. The dark sky looming over them along with the yellow glow of lights from the lanterns seemed to fit the aesthetic of the place perfectly.

"I mean it. We need a demo man." Jesper brought up once again as he jogged to catch up with them.

"You're still on that?" Kaz asked with a shake of his head.

"I just brought it up tonight!"

"Jesper, you ask for an explosive expert on every job."

"Because I don't want to be the one you point to and say, "Explode something for us". That is not a Jesper talent. I shoot things with style." Jesper pointed a finger at Kaz as he tried to defend his case before he outstretched his arms with a smile. "And I look good. Just play to my strengths, boss."

"Jes, I'm sure we'll get a demo man at some point. Then you can fall in love with him and live a great life together." Julie winked at him. She was now getting her revenge on him from earlier.

"I would never." A hand clutched his chest. Kaz rolled his eyes at their interaction. Though he wouldn't admit it, he found it endearing about how they acted around one another.

"Alina Starkov will be at the little palace." Kaz changed the subject as they continued to weave through the streets. "Entering the little palace requires us to be quiet. Blowing something up, we've likely failed."

"Then we should take Inej. She's a good investment. More quiet than I'll ever be. She can't stay here, you know that."Julie looked back at Jesper and mouthed a 'thank you'. He gave her a wink before he stopped in place. He put a hand on Kaz's arm, squeezing himself in between him and Julie, which prompted him to look down at the hand with a look of distaste. Julie carefully pulled Jesper away, knowing how Kaz felt about people touching him. A small look of gratitude was sent her way. "Whoa. Hang on, aren't we on Pekka's turf now?"

"I go to Heleen now and ask for her buyout, she knows I need Inej and sets a price I can't pay." Kaz explained with a hard look.

"That's evil."

"Jes, we're in Ketterdam. There's evil everywhere." Julie said with a raised brow.

He shot her a look before he looked at Kaz again. "Well, how do you know that?"

"It's what I would do. Besides, Inej refuses to kill. Would you trust her in a matter of life and death?"

Julie would. She trusted Inej with her life and would never think otherwise. The two girls had a bond like no other. When they first met, they became fast friends and were there for each other whenever the other needed it. Their bond was unbreakable.

"I would never stop trusting her." Julie said as she looked Kaz in the eyes. Almost daring him to say otherwise.

"Well, I've trusted her so far and I'm still alive, so yeah. Now, you want to tell me why we're scoping out a rival club?" Jesper asked.

"To have a talk with an old business partner."

"The bouncers will know you on sight."

"That's why I brought you." Jesper's brow furrowed at his words. "Make sure they don't see me."

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