Part 3

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After their Dad had left they grabbed their suitcases, which they hadn't even unpacked, and headed down the stairs.

"Bye, Ozzy. It's not you." Ozzy whimpered sadly and Y/N just petted him before walking through the front door.

She could hear MK on the phone "Uh, Larry? We need that getaway cub. I said, pick me up by the-- Hello? Ugh! No bars!"

Suddenly Ozzy escaped through the door and ran off barking happily. "Ozzy! Heel! Stop! Play dead!" MK yelled noticing him running away. The pair threw their suitcases to the side and gave chase.

"How are you so fast on three legs?" Y/N remarked "Ozzy! Ozzy! Ozzy!"

The wind was howling and a storm was brewing but they couldn't leave without Ozzy.

"Ozzy? Oh, come on, Ozzy." MK cried.

"Ozzy!" Y/N yelled as the lightening crashed around the two of them. That's when Y/N noticed something glowing and she tried to catch it. Whatever the flying, glowing thing was it was strong. With ease it lifted Y/N in the air causing MK to grab onto her.

"Ah! Oh! Ah! Ah, ah! Ahhh!" the pair yelled then they groaned when they hit the ground.

"Huh?" MK said standing up and looking around before offering her hand to Y/N.

Y/N stood up confused but when saw the woman she let out a gasp and ran over "Are you okay? Are you all right?"

Y/N noticed an arrow sticking out of her chest "Oh, my gosh, that's an arrow" she began to stammer as she asked the woman "Should I pull it out? I don't know what to do."

The woman said to Y/N "Take the Pod to Nim Galuu."

"Nim What? You need a doctor. MK call--" Y/N was interrupted by the lady handing her something. It was a pod.

"What is that thing?" MK asked curiously.

The lady just smiled at them "It's the life of the forest?" the leaves on a bush nearby began to rustle.

A grey haired man win a white and green uniform ran over "Tara!"

He knelt down by her side. She just smiled at him saying "So serious." then she exhaled softly and began to glow. The men in green who had surrounded them all bowed and the woman turned to a glowing dust and floated off in the breeze.

Y/N sighed "I'm so sorry."

The man shook his head sternly "What did she say to you?"

Y/N was surprised by his lack of emotion "Something about blue? Or a canoe." she told him.

"Nim Galuu." the man muttered to himself "The scroll keeper. We don't know anything about the Pod without Tara. Maybe he does. Take the Leafman to Moonhaven. Fortify it. Keep everyone safe."

"What about you?" one of the green men asked the man with the white cloak.

"Mandrake will be looking for this Pod... but he won't be lookin' for a Leafman travelin' alone." the white cloaked man strategized.

"That's not what I meant." the soldier told him. The white cloak just brushed him off sadly "I know what you meant. I'll send word when I reach Nim's."

"Who are you people? Is this some sort of re-enactment?" MK asked putting a protective ar around her younger sister who was still holding onto the pod. Y/N smiled as a bee went by "That's a big bug."

"No, it's about average, actually." The white cloaked man explained to the girls.

MK just giggled at the man "Then what? We're tiny?" she looked at Y/N who nodded curiously. MK paused and looked around confused "Oh, no. No. No, no, no."

The man approached them slowly "I'm not sure why the queen brought you two here either... but she gave you that Pod, so you have to come with me."

"Make us big!" MK demanded strongly. The man looked at Y/N then MK "Excuse me?"

She's not going anywhere until you make us big again!" MK repeated sternly. She still had her arm protectively round Y/N.

"Uh... You know what? I don't do magic. You can talk to Nim Galuu about that, he might know something." the man told them. He reached forward and tried to grab a hold of the pod which had coiled round Y/N's arm.

MK stared at him "Might?"

A slug suddenly showed up "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast, soldier boy. You do not yank on a Pod, okay? Especially when it's attached to something so lovely."

"Talkin' snails." MK said staring.

Mub explained "Actually, he's a snail. I'm a slug." the he turned back to Y/N "No shell over here, baby. It just slows me down."

The snail Grub smiled at the man "Ronin, right? Head of the Leafmen? Big fan. I just love what you do with your jaw." Ronin the man in the white cloak's face stiffened "Yes, that! We are the official Pod caretakers, sir. It can't survive without us. We keep it moist."

"Moist is what we do." Mub explained flirtatiously.

"You're kiddin'." Ronin said then when they glared at him he sighed in disbelief "You're not kiddin'. Fine." He grunted as he lifted the snail and the slug onto the bird, "Word of the queen's passin' will travel fast... we have to travel faster. With all this extra weight we're going to need another bird."

"Bird. Of course." MK exclaimed sarcastically as she and Y/N got onto the bird as well.

"By any chance... you don't happen to be part of an advanced society... of tiny people living in the woods, do you?" Y/N asked curiously already knowing the answer.

Ronin laughed "Some are more advanced than others."

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