Part 9

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A few weeks later Y/N, MK and their Dad sat and watched him draw sketches of the Leafmen "Well, what do you think?" he asked.

"It's perfect, Dad. Except, the boots are higher and the sleeves are longer. And they wear actual helmets, not acorns." MK explained.

"Really?" He asked chuckling "They should seriously consider the potential."
They saw Ozzy charging over so MK threw him the Boggan chew toy they had made "Ozzy! Here ya go, boy."

Their was a beeping sound and Y/N looked down at the sensor "Um..."
MK and her Dad chuckled "Go. It's always for you, anyway."

Y/N ran over to the screen and reminded and slowed it down so she could speak to Nod.
"Hey babe." she said waving to him through the camera.

He smiled back "Hey! So I was talking with the new Queen and Nim and they told me that they found a way to make it so you can shrink down any time and come visit us" he told her.

"Really?!" Y/N exclaimed excitedly.
Nod nodded enthusiastically "Yeah its some kind of bracelet with a magic gem it's kid of cool. You can come down and pick it up later" he told her.

Y/N smiled at her boyfriend "Ok I'll come by later. How's work?" Y/N asked curiously.

He smiled "No, it's not work when you love your job. "Many leaves, one tree," that's what I always say."

"Uh-huh." Y/N smiled sarcastically. Suddenly Mub came into the camera frame "What do you think you're doing, Leafboy?"

"Leafman. You know it's Leafman." Nod argued with Mub.

"Is it? I wasn't sure." He looked to the screen "Hey, Y/N! What's goin' on, baby girl?" he flirted.

"Hi, Mub." Y/N said waving to him as well. Nod looked at him jealously "We were talkin'."

"There's a big sack of "shut your flat face" over there by that tree. Why don't you go pick it up?" Mub said getting in his face.

Nod glared at him "Listen, slick." Y/N sighed in annoyance "Guys, don't fight."

"Oh, I won't be a fight. I could whip him with both eyes behind my back." Mub told him. Nod laughed staring back "I'd like to see you try, jelly butt."

"I didn't wanna have to do this!" Mub said as he began to swallow Nod.

Y/N felt sick as she gasped "Ew! Mub, get him out of your mouth!" She ran to find her helmet and as she was about to leave she said "Dad, MK, I gotta go Heimlich my boyfriend out of a slug."

MK glanced at the screen disgusted "Yeah, that looks pretty weird."

"Here don't forget this." he said handing a helmet to her "Tell them about the acorn helmets."

"Or you could tell them yourselves." Y/N told him handing her later and father their helmets.

"Oh!" they all put their helmets on a ran outside to the Forrest Ozzy trailing behind "Come on, Ozzy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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