Part 1

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Y/N and her older sister MK sat in the back seat of the cab as they drive towards a place the girls haven't seen since they were younger. A bug hit the windscreen wiper of the car making the driver, Larry, chuckle "Bet they didn't have bugs like that in the city."

MK nodded sadly "Yeah. I miss it already." Y/N said nothing as she just gazed into the forest green around her. "She talks!" He marvelled before he noticed their glum faces "Something on your mind, kids?"

Y/N let out a small sigh "What do you say to a total stranger?"

Larry looked at her oddly "Stanger? You and I go back twenty minutes."

"Not you... Larry." MK told him then she looked at her younger sister and placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly "She means the person we're visiting."

Larry stared at the girls in alarm "I'm leavin' you out here with someone you don't know?"

"It's okay, Lar." Mk chuckled "We weren't always strangers. Maybe now things will be different." then Y/N put her earphones in and tried to block out the noise around her.

They got closer to the house and Y/N realised it was exactly as MK said it would be. Larry also studied the house before he remarked "That's not a house, that's termites holding hands. No offense."

The two girls grabbed their bags and got out of the car "Don't worry, Lar." MK tried to assure "We'll be--"
Suddenly the tires screeched and Larry waved out of the window yelling "Call if you need a quick getaway, kids!"

"Fine." MK finished but he had already disappeared from sight.

Y/N grabbed MK's hand "Maybe it will be different" she tried to assure and the two walked up to the front door. "Hello? Anyone home?" MK asked.

There was a faint beeping sound coming from inside so curiously Y/N opened the door "Hello?" she called as she shut the door behind her and MK.

That's when they spotted their Dad he was pacing around with a book in hand "Okay. No, actually, you know what? I should check this bee. No, that's" he paused and let out a chuckle "right there. Uh... Do we have-- I had it we-- Oh, no, it's over here. Okay. Yeah. Uh, let's see. Uh... Made of-- Oh, gosh! I don't know, polished acorn shell and thin leather? Perhaps mouse hide."

"Pardon me, excuse me, sorry." MK said trying to get their fathers attention. Y/N just shook her head hopelessly as he continued to ramble to himself.

"Correction: not mouse hide. Shrew, perhaps. Or, you know what, actually, it could be vole.

Y/N had had enough "Hi, Dad." she said loudly snapping him out of his daze.

"Oh! Mary Katherine! Y/N! Yeah. You're here!" he looked at the two girls shocked at how much they had grown.

"Mmm! Yeah." Y/N said looking down awkwardly.

Their father looked at them again "I didn't realize today was today."

"It always is." MK told him rather sternly.

"Hey, let me look at you both!" he smiled "Oh... You both look just like your mother. Like she did. He began to stammer nervously and unsurely "You would, if you know what I mean..."

"Dad." MK said grasping his attention quickly.

He continued to stammer "Do you want to talk about it, if that's--"

"Thanks, but we've been reading up on the five stages of grief." MK explained to the man "We're working through them ourselves. We're good like that."

Y/N sighed nervously "There actually are a few things I would like to talk about.

The three heard a dogs bark advancing "Oh, oh, oh! Ozzy! Look who's back!" their father yelled happily.

"Ozzy?" Mk asked "He's still alive?" she bent down waiting for him to run into her arms like he had always done when she was a kid.

"Well, you know, most of him. He may be down to three legs, but he'll make a break for it... the first chance he gets." he laughed "Ozzy, go say hi."

Y/N couldn't help but let a smile slip through "Here, boy!"

Ozzy ran to the girl but missed by about a metre "Ah, there he goes! His depth perception's a little off... and he has a tendency to run in circles. Hey, you that was closer than usual, you know?" he laughed "He remembers you!"

Not far away Ozzy was running around and he bumped into the lamp and some glass making it shatter causing him to bark. However their father remained completely unaware. "So, I have a little surprise for you up here. Just follow me, take a look."

Y/N picked Ozzy up as they followed their dad up the stairs. "Ozzy! No. No kisses." Y/N said trying to avoid being licked to death.

Their dad took them to a room "Well, here we are. Welcome home." he revealed their old childhood bedroom with its bright pink walls, small furniture and all their old stuff they had left behind. Including Y/N's first Violin.

"It's like I never left." MK said gazing around blindly at the scale of ink. Y/N just stood in shook.

Their Dad smiled hopefully "All your things are here, you got your dolls and... your pictures, your turtle." he looked over and saw the turtle had been dead a long time "Oh, dear. Well, it's good to have you back, Y/N and Mary Katherine."

"Actually, I go by MK now." MK explained to him.

He looked surprised "Oh! MK. I like that. It's more grown-up." The device at his waist began beeping "Oh! Um... Hmm."

"Do you have to get that?" Y/N asked unsurely.

"Oh, no. No. That was just one of my sensors. I got a lot goin' right now. Today is actually a highly unusual day. There is both a full moon tonight and the summer solstice-- which only coincide every hundred years or so. You can imagine, it's just crazy over here. Hey! Uh... You both probably want some time to settle in. I'm just going to let you make yourselves at home ,Y/N, Mary Kather-- Oh! No, who's Mary Katherine? MK, I mean." he ran out of the room.

The girls lied down on their beds and Y/N heard MK pull out a picture "Okay, Mom, I'm trying. That was the deal."

Y/N just plugged in her headphones and tried to tune out the world around her.

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