Part 6

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Y/N walked over to Nod who was sat alone in the corner.
"Look, I'm thinkin' that I didn't make the first impression." Nod said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Y/N shook her head "It's okay."

"I've never had a girl fight a mouse for me before." Nod said reminiscing about the hole and her skill.

Y/N chuckled with a light blush on her cheeks Nod studied her face "You're not from around here, are ya?"

"What makes you say that?" Y/N asked him curiously.

"If you were I would remember a pretty face like yours." Nod said smiling. Y/N laughed as she felt MK glare in his direction "And I'd remember your scary sister"

Y/N laughed and looked at MK and waved her away. She rolled her eyes and joined the crowd as they toasted "To Queen Tara! To the queen!"

The sudden loudness in the room made Y/N shift and cover her ears quickly. Nod looked at her concerned "You wanna go somewhere quieter?"

Y/N looked at him "Will that be okay with Ronin?"

"Yeah, he said to watch the Pod... but there's nowhere safer than Nim's tree. I think he's just pretty upset about the queen." Nod explained offering her his hand "Here, let me show you something."

She took his hand slowly "What?" He grabbed her and pulled her down through the tree and they landed on a lead. Y/N looked down and smiled "Huh. That actually gets easier."

There was a distant rumbling sound H/N looked up quickly fearful of a boggan attack. "What is-" a deer approached them and Y/N's mouth fell open.

Nod smiled when he saw her expression and he slowly climbed into the deers antler and offered his hand to her "Grab on!"

Y/N stared at him confused "What?". Nod shook his head and smiled "Put your arms around me."

"But I barely know you." Y/N joked.

Nod laughed "Do you wanna ride him or not?"

Y/N nodded like a child and climbed on and sat down next to him and the deer began to walk around.

It was so different to flying "I gotta admit, flyin' is nice, but this is ridin' in style."

Nod chuckled "Yeah. Not everyone can do it. You have to be gentle to ride a deer. My dad taught me how. It's one of my best memories of him."

"You must really miss him." Y/N said "I know how that feels."

They sat enjoying the silence at then Y/N was going to say something. When she looked over he was already looking at her.

Without meaning to the pair felt themselves draw together looking between each other's eyes and lips.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion. Y/N looked and saw some search spread through the tree. "Oh no!" She yelled jumping down and rushing to the tree. An alarmed Nod ran after her.

Ronin found the pair "Stay with the Pod, that's all you had to do."

"Yeah, but I just thought--" Nod said but Ronin interrupted him "Do you ever think about anyone besides yourself?"

Y/N glared at him "It wasn't all his fault!" she defended.

Ronin turned his attention to her "And you. I expected as much from him. But I thought you would know better."

"We're really sorry, okay? He clearly lead her away Y/N would never be so irresponsible" MK said defending her sister and pushing the blame into the brown haired man.

"I don't wanna hear it. That was the last part of the queen that I--" he sighed "That any of us will ever have."

Y/N sighed guiltily sensing the grief in Ronin "The queen gave it to me. I should've been here with it. I'll do whatever it takes to help you get it back."

"I appreciate the offer, but Wrathwood is too dangerous." Ronin told her.

"But you can't go alone. What about the whole leaves-tree thing that you said? Nim, tell him." MK said.

"Look, kids, the moon's comin' up. That's bloom-or-die time. So if no one has a better plan--" Nod quickly interrupted Nim " Why don't we sneak in, in disguise?"

"Great idea. I'll go as a grasshopper and you can be my cricket ladyfriend." Ronin joked sarcastically.

"It's dangerous, I might get killed. I thought you'd like that." Nod said.

"I don't have any Boggan armor handy." Ronin reminded him "Do you?"

Y/N and MK stared at each other knowing what each other were thinking "We know where we can get some."

"Well? I gotta say, six hands are better than two. That's been my experience." Nim said offering his opinion.

"You might want to hang on." Y/N said as she grabbed Nod's hand and they flew off "Hyah!"

"Whoa!" Nod screamed.

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