Part 7

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They all flew back to MK and Y/N's house. They stood in the window sill and climbed inside.
"Hey, the Boggan armor... where is it?" Nod asked scanning the room.

MK looked around searching and spotted it "Over there." she gestured to the table.

Ronin sighed "Let's make this quick." He jumped all the way fro k the window sill to the table like it was nothing.

Nod smiled "Come on." he grabbed Y/N's hand and they both jumped down the jars to the bottom of the table.

Y/N looked behind and saw MK take a big jump and land on a jar. Only to slip and fall down and slid all the way to the floor.

"Ow!" MK shouted.

"Oh!" Nod winced when he heard each impact of her body with the floor. Then she slid under a cabinet filled with dustbin or. "Ow! That was awesome."
Y/N shook her head and offered MK her hand "Here sis"

"Up we go." Nod told the two girls grabbing a hold of the table leg.

"Ugh! That is some static cling." MK said as she reached for the table leg too. "No, that's metal, don't touch that!" Y/N screamed.

"Whoo!" MK yelled and she got an electric shook. She groaned when her back hit the floor again "Ow!"

Y/N offered her hand but she got a small zap of electricity. Nod began laughing at the girls. They looked at each other and they both zapped him.
"Knock it off." Ronin ordered looking around cautiously.

"Ow. Quit it." MK complained as Y/N accidentally zapped her.

MK got her revenge and zapped her "Ow! No, you quit."

Y/N zapped Nod thinking it was him "I'm not doing it."

"Stop!" Ronin yelled from the top of the table. Nod yelled "Ow. I'm not doing--"

Ronin had grown impatient "Now!" he screamed, bored of their antics.

"Come on." Y/N said climbing they climbed up behind you.

They got to the table and MK pointed out the Boggan armour "It's there."

"You know... some of this stuff looks familiar." Nod said examining it the he pulled at one of the displays "Hey, that's my saddle!"

"Where are we?" Ronin asked the girls.
There was a distant rumbling sound.

"Oh, it's where this guy lives." Nod chuckled "I can't believe it. He's been crashing around the forest like a bear for years. Most stompers just come and go, but this guy's relentless."

MK looked at him confused "Wait. Stompers?"

Nod nodded "Yeah. Like us, but big and dumb and slow... always stomping on things. Stompers." he demonstrated.

"And this one is obsessed with finding us. Obviously that's security risk. Can't have one of his big fat feet steppin' on Moonhaven." Ronin explained to them.

"One of his ginormous, flabby, dirty, stinky--" Nod added. "Okay, I got it." MK said sadly.

"So we've been throwing him off the trail." Ronin told them.

"So you're just messin' with him?" Y/N asked "But he's found all this stuff."

Ronin chuckled "He only finds what we want him to find." He gestured to their fathers map "Look at his map. We've got him looking everywhere but where we are."

Nod laughed "I love how this guy talks." He imitated him slowly " "Look at this flower." "I hurt my elbow." " the two men started laughing.

"I think that's kind of mean." MK told them sternly as Y/N looked over at their dad pityingly.

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