Dj Grooves

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"Uhhh... I'll go with DJ Grooves," you point to the penguin.

"Good! Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be making our movie! Let's get going, darling!" The penguin and the rest of his penguin crew went through the right door, while hat kid went with Conductor. You followed the penguins.

You were now in a movie studio, with penguins setting things up and practicing lines.

"Are they ready yet, darling?" The Dj asked one of the smaller penguins.

"Yep! They're all set!" The small penguin replied.

"Good! Now, darling, we're not actually filming here. We'll be filming on the moon!" He said, grabbing a stack of paper that were stapled together.

"The... moon?" You say, as he handed you your script.

"Wait, can you breathe in space? Just in case," He asked.


"Excellent!" He said, not giving you time to respond. He seemed to be in a rush.

He looked at your current outfit.

"Do I need a costume?" You ask.

"Your current outfit will do just fine! Now practice your lines, and tell me when you're ready," he says, walking away.

You read the script. It was about some alien invasion with "UFO'S". You look around the set to see cardboard cutouts of 'aliens' and some ufo's.

'How offensive! Spaceships don't look like that!'

You decide to continue reading the script. Back to the invasion, your role was to destroy all of the ufo's. Apparently this scene was about some alien invasion. At the end, the hero, aka you, would have to face the big bad boss of the ufos... or whatever was supposedly controlling those things.

You go into a nearby room. It was completely empty, perfect for reciting lines. However, most of the scene mostly consisted of action. So you tried your best to remember the stage directions, and then you focused on the lines. After that, you began to practice certain actions the script wanted you to do. But you didn't have much time to do that, as the Dj called you.

"Are you ready, darling? We're in a big hurry, so we'll need to go!"

You sigh. You did a quick summary of the scene and walked out the door, where the penguin and the other employees began walking outside the studio. You followed them.

[After you guys somehow make it onto the moon-]

As your foot touched the floor of the moon, everything felt different. Gravity was different here. When you would hop or jump, you would jump higher, and slowly float back down onto your feet. You see the crew make their way to some stairs leading underground, so you follow them. You go through a passageway, which was mostly empty. You see stairs leading up to some light. After climbing up the stairs, you were met with a town. Colorful buildings, bustling with other penguins and some cars. You look back to where you came from. There was a sign above that said "metro". You heard metros were train stations, or something like that. There was no trains down there.

"Was that a metro?" You ask nobody in particular. You waited for one of them to answer.

"Nah, it's still in construction. But they delayed the project due to some issues. Rumor says there's a secret manhole down there that leads to an underground metro, but there's probably nothing there," one of the small penguins answered.

"Oh.. okay," you said. Now you wanted to go back and check it out, but you had a movie to act in.

"Okay, darlings! Let's go to the fountain and start setting up the props," Grooves said. You walked to where said fountain was.

You were surprised on how water flowed as if gravity existed on here. It seemed to have low gravity here, so why is the water acting as if it was all normal? You pushed those thoughts away to think about later.

"So, I have to warn you, these ufo's try to crash on you when you go underneath them. We tried our best to make it as safe as possible. So be careful, okay darling?"

You started to feel nervous. This meant the ufo's had a chance of injuring you.

"But im 99% sure they won't hurt you! If they do, call me immediately and we'll rush over," he said, reassuring you a little. At least he cared for your safety.

"Okay. I'll do my best!" You say. The penguin nodded and went off to prepare the rest of the things.

You look up to see some ufo's on the ground, ready for use. You saw penguins do last minute tests to make sure they worked. You sat on a bench near the fountain as you watched them work.

A few minutes later, the Dj called to you.

"Alright darling! We're going to start recording, so get to your position! Just do it like you practiced," he walked over to the rest of the camera crew.


The cameras started rolling. You see the ships rise and glow. You took out your huge spoon, and got to work.

[91649185919490193304839 ufos later]

You were panting, and felt like you could pass out at any second. There were so many... but there were still some left. You found the strength to continue, wondering when this scene will end. Most of your work will probably be cut out anyway, so it won't completely bore the audience. You suddenly see a huge ufo, which was a cardboard version of the ones you have destroyed. It's hatch opened beneath, and a penguin dressed as some weird alien floated down. He had an "alien gun". He pointed it at you.

After some long monologuing, the fight began. A spoon and gun fight. You dodged the "deadly" lazers as you tried to land hits on him. You were about to knock the wind out of him, when you remembered you were supposed to lose this fight. You weren't actually the hero of this story, sadly. You only pretend you were. So you purposely aimed it to the right a little and missed the attack, where you got "hit" by a beam. You didn't expect it to actually shove you back, but at least it didn't hurt. You get flown back into a wall.

Luckily, that's all you needed to do in this scene. As the cameras started to center towards the villain again, you got up and ran back to Dj Grooves.

"That was wonderful, darling! Take a break for a bit," he said, offering you a water bottle he somehow got.

You took it from him and took of the cap, downing it. After you drank around a fourth of it, you set it down. You watched as the real hero and villain fought.

'Their acting is so terrible...' you thought to yourself. Frankly, it was true. The hero's cries sounded so fake that it might as well been mistaken as someone using a filter over their voice.

Luckily, they finished the scene 5 minutes later. You all started to head back to the studio.

'Man... I feel like I barely had a role.'

A Helping Hand [REMAKE] [Y/N in a hat in time]Where stories live. Discover now