Chapter Six

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"I was born in England. My father was Auror Captain, James Potter, a pureblood Lord of a minor noble house. My mother was a muggleborn witch that was at the top of her class. They met and fell in love at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However during that time, as you know, Lord Voldemort was attempting to conquer England and change it according to his vision. He was a great wizard and highly skilled in the arts of magic, unparalleled in power and charismatic. He was nearly unstoppable. However a prophecy was made that foretold his downfall. In order to thwart the prophecy, he attacked my parents and myself on the eve of Halloween when I was one year old. He killed my parents but when he cursed me, the curse rebounded off of me and hit him, smiting him off the face of the planet.

The so-called "Leader of Light" sent me to live with my o so loving relatives, the Dursleys. They were most racist, biased, xenophobic muggles you could imagine. I shudder to imagine my life with them if it wasn't for that fateful lottery drawing. When I was 4, I placed a ticket into a small box at a department store. My ticket won four tickets to New York City. They took me along for the trip. However on the day before they left, my loving Uncle Vernon knocked my out and abandoned me at Central City Park. If it wasn't by some act of God that the ravens took care of me, I doubt I would have survived that cold winter night. I spent two years in that Park, living with the ravens. Stealing and cheating my way to survive. Soon I used the ravens as well in my thieving adventures, managing to steal over 10 grand in a bank robbery. That bank robbery attracted the attention of Marcos Corleone.

Marcos Corleone tracked me down and offered me a home, security, and education. I initially refused and Marcos left me alone. A few weeks later, I was assaulted and almost killed if it wasn't for Marcos rescuing me. He took care of me and once I was well, I accepted his offer. He adopted me as if I was his own son, taught me everything I know, raising me to be the next Don Corleone. However there were those that despised Don Corleone. Most prominently, the Tattaglia family. Over the years when my father was alive, there was a tense rivalry between the two families. However it came to a head with the assassination of my father at the hands of Phillip Tattaglia, the heir of the Tattaglia family when I was 11. War broke out between the two families. The Corleone lost much of their territory and prestige until I became 14.

During my time as the Corleone heir, my father realized that I possessed some magical talent, a rare find in the criminal underground. The chances of a mob having one is less than a million to one. He sent me to an old druid in the middle of Hell's Kitchen. The druid was on his last legs and desperate to find someone to pass his art to. He was delighted to finally find someone to teach magic and taught me everything he knew. The old druid was not like the wizards you know Lord Greengrass. No he was more like the legendary sorcerers of old, casting magic with his staff and hands, enchanting using the power of the earth, runes and rituals abundant. During his training he exposed me to the magical community of America. It was strange to say the least, being exposed to two worlds. Raised to be the son of the Corleone while also becoming the successor to the only druid on this side of the Atlantic. When the man died, he left me several tomes of powerful magic. Magic I used much later.

I took control of the Corleone family through a combination of blackmail, treachery, and assassination. Using the Corleone resources, magic, and the ravens, I tracked and raided every warehouse and hideout of the Tattaglia family, stealing over millions of dollars in one night. Hiring mercenaries from the other families and killing every high ranking member of the Tattaglia family. When I finally caught Phillip, I made sure he paid. I left his still bleeding carcass in the middle of the Central City Park. Don Tattaglia was furious and demanded my head. I escaped and tormented him, stealing from his businesses and capturing his territory. Soon I had him so agitated that I laid a trap for him.

Sonny Pacino came to Don Tattaglia and offered my head to him for the price of 10 million. At this, Don Tattaglia took it and went to where I was with a hundred of his best men, intent making sure I was dead. He did not expect me sending over ten thousand crows and ravens at him and his men, tearing them to pieces. Tattaglia himself was torn to pieces in front of a crowd in the middle of Times Square, raining blood and feathers on the people watching. The quick and devastating gang war against the Tattaglia family made the other three families call for a treaty and a formal surrender to the Corleone family. For the first time, the Five Families of the Italian Mafia were under one banner, the Corleones.

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