Chapter Thirteen

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Dumbledore entered the Great Hall for breakfast, pondering on what to do with the issue of Harry. While Harry was now in the custody of the Ministry, he could probably now get access to the child. Probably be able to break him and remold him. Yes that could work. Have the Ministry torture him while he swoops in as the rescuer and his salvation. With Harry's psyche broken, he could use his magic to weave him back into Harry James Potter, not that American abomination known as Corvo Corleone. Dumbledore nodded. Fudge was under his control and in extension, so was Umbridge, though she did not know. The foolish bureaucrat, thinking he could outwit him. Once he had rescued Harry, train him as a suicide zealot to severely injure Voldemort, then come in to kill Voldemort to avenge Harry. Use his influence to inherit the Potter fund for himself. It was perfect.

He sat in his large chair and smiled benevolently at the students. While most of them ignored him, a good number of students were glaring murderously at him. To make it worse, they were the top students and the most influential students. The boldest of Gryffindors, the most caring and loyal of Hufflepuffs, the smartest Ravenclaws, and the most ambitious Slytherins, were the ones with narrowed eyes. His smile slipped as sipped his tea and picked up his morning paper.


Dumbledore spat out his tea as he read the front page of the Daily Prophet. In the middle, with vivd, color photography, showed Corvo kissing his girlfriend and bravely striding out of the Great Hall, in shackles, on his own will. The picture itself showed Corvo as a charming saint instead of a criminal. Dumbledore cursed at Umbridge's incompetence. He quickly scanned the article and ground his teeth enraged.

Harry Potter Speaks Out For the First Time! A Life of Neglect and Shame at the Hands of our Heroes!

Harry James Potter is a legendary name in our world. The one who saved us from You-Know-Who's reign of terror nearly 16 years ago. However on that tragic night, his noble parents died and he himself vanished from the Wizarding World. Many assumed he also died but a good number believed that the esteemed Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, had hidden him to be trained as a warrior for the Light and a future protector of the Wizarding World.

Now after 16 years, Mr. Potter mailed me personally with biography of his life. A story of his triumphs, struggles, and salvation. As I read this golden piece of history, my view of the world has been turned upside down. To think such treacheries were made against such a hero like Harry Potter, who I shall now Corvo Corleone out of respect. Prepare yourselves my readers, to a story that will cause much a revolution in the world.

Chief Editor of the Daily Prophet

Lord Charles Claustrum

Article continued to page 2

Dumbledore quickly turned over the page to the following article. Inwardly he was cursing more and more as he suspected that Corvo had planned this and had a mole to sneak out the pictures and story. He first suspected Corvo's close friends but he shook his head. Corvo would not be as forward as that. Also, Blaise's face was shown clearly on the photograph, meaning it must have been one of the other houses that had captured that photograph.

The Torch in the Dark

On the eve of You-Know-Who's demise, Rubeus Hagrid had him removed from the wreckage of the Potter's residence at Godric's Hollow, under orders from Albus Dumbledore. When Hagrid got there, Sirius Black, the Potter's Secret Keeper, was already there with young Harry in his hands. However Hagrid persuaded young Black to turn over his own godson into Dumbledore's hands. And so, Hagrid left to deliver Harry to Dumbledore while Sirius Black went after Peter Pettigrew.

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