Chapter Eleven

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2000 hours. That night

Tommy inhaled deeply into his cigarette trying to extract as much warmth as he could from the small cancer stick. He turned to his partner, Mikhail, who was seemingly unaware of the blisteringly cold seaside breeze. Tommy frowned. Lucky Russian bastard.

"What's wrong Yank? The cold's gettin' to ya? Huh?"

Tommy glared at the man who had spoken. Their London contact, Bullet Tooth Tony, a thuggish looking man with a cruel smirk on his face. At his side was a large sword that he often used in place of a gun, most of the time.

"Still bitter about loosing that poker hand huh? Get over it you fucking limey," Tommy snapped. Tony snarled and placed a hand on his sword.

"How 'bout I take that money back right now?"

"Enough Tony," Mikhail said in his deep voice. "We do not need to be fighting now."

"They should be here right now." Tommy muttered. "Damn freights."

He turned to Tony. "So how're we sneaking all of this in the middle of London any how?"

"I got my ways. Make sure I get my money."

"You'll get it don't worry. The Godfather's banking a lot on this endeavor," Tommy responded.

Tony was about to say something but he stopped. The sound of waves came upon them. In a few minutes, a large freighter was upon them being led by tugboats. The tugboats led the freighter into the port and the mobsters watched as the sailors tied down the freighter and begin to unload the crates. Tommy strode over to one of the crates and opened it with a crowbar. He lifted up the lid and looked inside. Rows upon rows of AK-47s were stacked neatly inside, waiting to be used. Tommy smiled and nodded to Tony.

"Take it to this address. When you get there, the sign in Shadow. Countersign is Raven."

Tony took the slip of paper and walked away. Tommy turned to Mikhail.

"Any worries about what will happen in the future Mikhail."

Mikhail shook his head.

"What will happen, will happen. However, I am eager to see what he'll do with all these guns. One does not stock weapons for a rainy day."

Tommy picked up one of the AK-47s and examined it. He smiled as he looked down the sights.

"Can't wait to see what the Godfather does."

Blaise opened the door to the Slytherin dorms. He strode over to his trunk and began to pull out his supplies for his next class, Ancient Runes. As he pulled out his books, he noticed something on Corvo's bed. He strode over to Corvo's bed and saw a note. He pulled it open and a necklace fell out. He picked up the necklace and turned to the note. It took less than a moment for Blaise to read the message.

"Holy shit."

Blaise ran out of the dorms and frantically ran through Hogwarts searching for Corvo. He went through the Great Hall and found Corvo speaking with Fred and George Weasley. Blaise ran to Corvo's side and shoved the letter into Corvo's hands. Corvo took the letter and began reading it.

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