Chapter Fourteen

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Rookwood Mansion 0100 hour

Lee and his team were at the tree line of the Rookwood Mansion, scouting the area using thermal binoculars. He quickly scanned the area around the mansion, counting the men he had. One Lupo and five squads of four mobsters against who ever is inside the mansion. Lee counted at least eight wizards guarding the place and assumed there were more inside. He pressed a finger to his headset.

"Kurochi, get your team inside the mansion, eliminate the guards, and find out what you can. You have an hour. If we don't hear from you, we're coming in," Lee whispered.

Using the thermal binoculars, he watched as Kurochi's team of Kage units easily scaled the mansion wall and slid inside the window. One of them snuck up on a wizard and easily broke the unsuspecting man's neck. Lee watched as the group easily tracked all eight guards and assassinated them with various methods. Lee was impressed as Kurochi simply tapped a man in the neck before the poor man exploded into blood.

"Guards eliminated. Going inside," Kurochi whispered with a Japanese accent.

Lee sighed as he leaned back against a tree waiting for Kurochi to come back. Beside him, Sawtooth gave an agitated snort. Lee chuckled and petted the raptor.

"Easy buddy. We're going to get 'em. Just wait a little longer."

Ministry of Magic. The Minister's Office

Fudge staggered to his desk and pulled out nearly 100 year old bottle of Firewhiskey that he had been saving for special occasions. He shivered as he poured a generous amount in the glass. Fudge's hand shook as he downed the glass. Yet the strong liquor did not distract him from remembering those blazing green eyes, promising pain that would last for years.

In his time in politics, he often had to deal with death threats, many times shouted by people in straitjacket as the Aurors escorted them out. But this time it was different. Fudge knew that Corvo was the one holding all the cards. He shivered as he remembered his conversation with Corvo Corleone.


Fudge whistled merrily as he entered the Ministry holding cells. Near him was an Auror known as Davie Smith, hiding under an Invisibility cloak. He motioned to the guards standing near to be dismissed. Fudge opened the cell and let himself in. Across from him, Corvo was in the same clothes he was arrested in, shackles on his arms and legs. He glanced at Fudge curious before smiling.

"Well Minister Fudge, nice of you join me. What warrants a visit from the most powerful man in the Wizarding World?" Corvo asked smoothly.

Fudge puffed up. "Well young Harry. I wanted to come here and see how you were doing. My subordinate Madam Umbridge is a bit zealous in her quest to keep the peace in Wizarding England."

"By terrorizing the school children? The woman's a mad bitch on the loose. Arresting me over some petty grudge."

"Well I trust my subordinate must have had a good reason to."

Corvo chuckled. "Can I speak freely?"

"Of course."

"Without guards."

"We are without guards," Fudge said. Corvo chuckled darkly.

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