Chapter 1: The war is over.

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May 8 1945.

It's done. After three years of fighting, it's finally done. Hunter could barely even process it. He had been fighting for most his teenage years and yet it's finally over. He couldn't tell if he wanted to celebrate or cry. But he could most definitely tell what his division wanted.

After a short period of processing the entire 16th infantry regiment had started a huge party in the camp, with drinks, local women, and even cake's from a nearby baker who was all to happy to hear the wars end.

Meanwhile Hunter was in his tent calmly smoking a cigarette and reading Huckleberry Finn. He smirked at how the women from back home would react to this. He was only sixteen and was gonna turn seventeen on the sixteenth. He joined the army when he was thirteen just in time for the Invasion of Sicily and had basically been going with the flow ever since. Not that he didn't mind, he liked Army life, it brought a strange sense of comfort to him especially his friends, despite the fact that he was at the very least three years younger than them, and that's just for the newer guys.

Not that anyone could tell of course, aside from a few, Hunter had a naturally mature face and surprising height which made him resemble a high school graduate, not to mention the more mature voice he had to practice for a while just to get into the army, but things had changed a lot since then, his voice had deepened a fair bit, and he had gained a few scars all across his body including two on his face, one on his right cheek, and another going from the right side of his temple down to his jaw line, and he had also grown a bit of a beard making him look even older. Though he knew he'd have to shave at some point, but maybe he'll look good in a mustache.

Hunter then heard the flap of the tent open revealing his Captain Jacob Albert.

"Wittebane?" He asked in his gruff Texan accent.

"Yes, sir?"

"There's some officer wanting to talk to you."

Hunter calmly closed his book and threw his cigarette onto the ground and smothering it with his right boot. He got up and followed Albert threw the camp, having to dodge drunken soldiers.

They reached the camp entrance where a captain in his dress uniform holding a clip board was standing flanked by two MP's. He spoke up. "Sergeant, Hunter Wittebane?"

"That's me, sir."

"It has come to our recent attention that you are not fit for military service."

Hunter shook his head in confusion.

"We have recently received word from your father that you had enlisted into the Army at the age of thirteen years old using a fake birth certificate. Due to this you will be honorably discharged and sent back to your father's home in Buffalo New York and all of your weapons and equipment will be turned in."

Hunter couldn't even talk, he wasn't just shocked that he was found out by the Army, but he was scared, scared that he would have to go back to his father and face whatever consequences that bastard had in store.

Albert then spoke up. "Now hold on, Sir I've known Wittebane for years and I know for sure that whatever information you have there is false."

He was lying, Hunter knew it. Albert was one of the few people who had discovered his true identity, and the only reason Hunter wasn't turned in is because he already had a year and a half of combat experience under his belt and according to Albert at least was one of the best soldiers in the Division, he couldn't just be sent back, especially with who Hunter's father was.

"I'm sorry Captain, but the evidence we have provided says otherwise.
Sergeant. Wittebane, you have half-an-hour to collect all of your gear and belongings, then you will report back to us for the discharge process. Am I clear?"

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