Chapter 2: This is the boiling Isle's.

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"Will you shut up already!?" Eda scolded. Hunter stopped screaming but his eyes were closed shut as small tears leaked out as he started praying to himself.

"Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner."

This went on for a few minutes until eventually the staff stopped. "We're on the ground now you can stop panicking." Eda said dryly. Hunter's eyes shot open as he realized that they had indeed landed. "Oh thank you sweet merciful Lord!" He exclaimed happily. Hunter jumped off the staff laid flat on the ground trying to savor it as much as possible.

"You know it really wasn't that bad right?" Eda said.

"Easy for you to say! I've just flown through the at the speed of a bullet on a flying stick!"

"Hey don't worry man. I had the same reaction when I came here." Luz said reassuringly.

Hunter then took several long deep breaths trying to calm himself. "Alright, just answer me these simple questions. One. Where am I? Two. What are you guys. And three-wait, are her ears pointed?" Hunter asked pointing at Eda.

Luz answered. "Yes, her ears are in fact pointed. And you are in the Boiling Isle's!" She said dramatically. "A land of magic, witches, and Demons!"

This only made Hunter more nervous.
"Did you just say witches and... Demon's?"


"... I'm in hell aren't I?"

"WHAT!? No no no you're not in hell!"

"Then why did you say there are demon's!?"

"Not those kinda demon's. The one's here are cute, cuddly."

"And have egos bigger than a mountain." Eda quipped.

"Everything but that last part are very contradictory to what a demon is!"

Eda sighed. "Look just come with us and we'll explain everything."

Hunter was reluctant but he was in a completely unfamiliar place which was apparently infested with magic and demons, he didn't have many options and these two seem to be the best bet. So he opted to follow them and was given a better rundown on where he was. Apparently the Boiling Isle's were an island chain made from the corpse of a giant being known as the Titan. As well as other things such as the place being ruled by a guy named emperor Belos who Eda describes as a self serving tyrant. So Hunter immediately wasn't much of a fan of him.

He also took a look at his surroundings. They were in what looked like a pine forest, yet both the trees and the grass were a bright Red. They eventually came upon a clearing next to a cliff side by the sea. In it was a white house with blue a blue tiled and a large circular stain glass
window depicting an eye, and just behind the house was a large stone tower with red moss growing on it.

They walked up to the door where the place the knocker would usually be located had a round owl face with the absolute most blank expression Hunter had ever seen. Then it started speaking.

"Hey you're back! Hoot hoot!" It said in the most annoying voice possible.

"Gaahh, what the hell!?" Hunter exclaimed jumping back.

"Ooo, you brought a new friend. Hoot!"

"What is that thing!?"

Oh, that's just Hooty." Luz said casually. "He's honestly not a harm to anyone."

"Hey! I am not harmless. I'm a very dangerous house. Hoot Hoot!"

Eda pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just let us in Hooty."

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