Chapter 4 (pt. 2): Testing Jupiter

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Venus and Uranus cautiously made their way down to Jupiter's orbit. Jupiter turned around to see the two "standing" there.

"Venus? Uranus? What are you two doing here?" Jupiter asks, confused.

"Look, we need your help." Uranus says sternly.

"Of course! I'm always here to help! So, whatcha need?" Jupiter says politely.

"Venus?" Uranus says, looking over to reassure him.

Venus looks back, a little leery of Jupiter, but nonetheless, he follows through with it.

"Look, Uranus and I, mostly me, have been getting hallucinations.. or dreams.. and we don't know if it's a sign or what. We've come to an agreement." Venus says before continuing. "We ask for your help.. because, worst case scenario, we will all die."

"Woahh ok, slow down there, buddy. This is a lot of information to take in." Jupiter states, feeling uneasy.

"Look, if you're on our team, that would be a big advantage." Uranus says seriously.

"I'd love to help, but I still don't know what you're going on about..?" Jupiter says, still sorta confused.

"Look, we just need you to watch our back, ok?" Venus says, annoyed.

"Ok, I can do that." Jupiter agrees.

"Thank you, Jupiter. You don't know how much this means to us. Especially Venus." Uranus says, thanking him.

"Well, we should wait and see what happens.. whoever is next." Venus states.

"You're right. Let's spit up and keep watch." Uranus agrees.

"That's a bad idea splitting up-" Jupiter says, getting cut off in the process.

"Yea, good luck to you both." Venus says respectfully.

They both part ways from Jupiter.

Jupiter sighs to himself, almost feeling bad for how terrible their listening skills are.

~Time skip 👀~

Venus opens his eyes to.. his solar system, except something felt.. off. He looks around and starts traveling to find Uranus. Something just made him feel uneasy about this though. There were no other planets in sight. Just him. Alone.

Suddenly, he heard a laugh. He whipped his "head" around to the source of the sound. It was only a blank empty void of nothing but distant stars.

He heard it again. It almost sounded like pluto.. but Pluto was infected.. he was innocent from what we could see.. unless-

Venus' vision started to blur. The layout becoming more distorted. The last thing he saw was a small black shadowy figure.

Venus woke up, breathing heavily, Mars right by his side.

"W-what-" Venus tried to speak.

"Shh.. just breathe." Mars says calmly.

Venus realized that he had been hyperventilating, it getting worse by the second.

"I-it was-" Venus tries to talk again.

"Calm down first." Mars suggested.

Venus took a few minutes to slow his breathing, the nightmare still racing through his mind.

"Where's Uranus..?" Venus asks.

"Probably by his orbit, why?"

"I need to talk to him.."

"Ok, do you need me to guide you there?" Mars offers.

"No.. I'll be ok, thanks, though.." Venus thanks him.

"Hey Venus?"

"Yea, Mars?"

"Can we talk for a moment?" Mars asks politely.

"Uhh, about?" Venus questions.

"About your nightmares. You act like I haven't been concerned about them." Mars states.

"Look, I'd rather not talk about them." Venus says.

"Venus, look. You don't have to tell me anything. But by how much you've been hanging out with Uranus, you seen to trust him a lot more than you seem to trust in me, who has been way closer in orbit this whole time." Mars confesses, seeming calm but concerned.

"Mars.. I get it.. you feel like you're not trustworthy.. but I really can't tell you. I'm sorry." Venus says, feeling uneasy.

"Ok, if it's really something you can't tell me, then you don't have to tell me." Mars says.

Venus feels relieved for some reason. I guess it's the fear of the hallucinations that he's been getting becoming a reality.

He makes his way over to Uranus' orbit, but.. he's not there. Venus starts to panic.

He goes over to Jupiter's orbit.

"Jupiter! Please help." Venus says, confused and scared.

"Woahh, what's wrong?" Jupiter asks in a concerned, sorrowful tone.

"I-I can't find Uranus. He's missing! He's not in his orbit a-and-" Venus rambles, Jupiter cutting him off in the process.

"Hey, it's ok. We'll find him eventually. Maybe he's just in a different spot in his orbit, that's all!" Jupiter theorizes.

"Maybe.." Venus says, calming down a little bit, still seeming very worried.

"Hey, if he's not back by 'tomorrow', then we can look for him, ok?" Jupiter reassures Venus.

"Ok.." Venus hesitantly agrees.

Venus still doesn't trust Jupiter all the way, but is the only other person he can really trust right now, considering that he knows the situation that's going on right now.

Venus heads back to his orbit, being lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly, his mind lights up with a new idea. Venus is going to look for Uranus by himself.

What a wonderful idea! That totally won't backfire in anyway possible!

He thinks of a plan, seeing when everyone would fall asleep.

Once he gathered up all his thoughts and plan. He was ready.

He waited until everyone was asleep. Once that was accomplished, there was only one thing to do left.

Find Uranus.

(To be continued 😳)

(Hey guys, the author here, just wanted to say sorry for the delay. School's been a pain, so I kinda forgot about this until recently. I definitely had some writers block as well 🫠. I'm out of that now, so their will hopefully be more chapters coming out soon! No monthly wait needed lol. With all of that out of the way, have a great day/night! 👍)

Word count: 946

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