Chapter 7 (pt. 2): The Investigation 🤬💥

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Venus leaves the area, traumatized by what happened.

He sees Uranus and Jupiter in the distance, talking to Eris. He goes up to them.

"Hey guys.." Venus says, starting a conversation.

They turn around.

"Oh my gosh.. Venus, what happened..?!" Uranus asks, worried for him.

"I don't really wanna talk about it.." Venus responds.

"It's ok if you don't wanna talk about it just yet, but we're here for you." Uranus says, comforting Venus.

Venus smiles slightly and slowly regains his composure.

"Ahem.. anyways.. what information did you guys gather?" Venus asks.

"Well, Eris said that a strange grayish yellow aura was in Pluto's atmosphere. I knew that that was some gas from the sun, but we're not sure why it's causing it." Jupiter explains.

"Huh.. that is quite strange.." Venus starts.

"I've gathered some information from my dream, although traumatizing it may be.." Venus explains.

They all listen in to what Venus has to say.

He sighs before speaking.

"This.. figure.. I can't tell who.. they talked to me. They told me they hated me. I asked them why, and told them I was sorry. They didn't care. They're going to get to us all if we don't hurry."

The rest of the group looks shocked.

"So, what you're saying is if we don't hurry up, we'll all be under this control?" Eris recaps.

"Pretty much, yea." Venus confirms.

"How amazing." Eris says sarcastically.

"Well then, let's keep searching for more clues, guys. We can't waste any time." Uranus says, making a good point.

They all part ways, and they each took a planet who was under control.

Uranus took Neptune.

Jupiter took Saturn.

Eris took Mars.

And Venus took Earth.

Venus was suspicious of Earth since it all started with him.

He took a closer look at the blue and green planet, but it still had that same yellow aura. Venus wondered if it also affected his earthlings.

After a few more minutes of observing, he came to the conclusion that Earth wasn't the mastermind, and he was brainwashed, just like the rest.

Suddenly, he heard someone coming.

It was Mercury.

That's weird.. Venus hasn't seen or even spoken to Mercury this whole time.

But.. something was off about him.

He didn't have a yellow-gray aura.. nor was he acting brainwashed.

Suddenly, everything was pieced together, like a puzzle.

Mercury doesn't have an atmosphere.

How could Mercury trap the gas in his atmosphere when he doesn't have one.

Mercury was the black figure.

Mercury was the mastermind.

Venus was shocked. Stunned. Frightened even.

It was all his fault. Why did he have to make fun of Mercury.

Then, he suddenly heard a loud ringing noise. He felt almost dizzy. He decided that it wasn't a good idea to stay here, so he left.

~Time Skip~

Venus sits there, waiting for the others to get back. It's been an hour of waiting. How long could this investigation be taking?

He sighs to himself, not baring to wait any longer. He starts moving, looking for them.

After 10 minutes of looking around, he thought about giving up and heading back to the meeting spot.

He stopped suddenly.

He heard crying.

He ran towards the sound, his core hurting as the crying got louder.

His eyes widened to see Eris.

One of her eyes... were fucking gone.

(TO BE CONTINUED. Also, hey everyone, I lost my account again, but I finally got it back. I made sure to write down the pass so this wouldn't happen again! I know you all were dying to know what was happening next, and I'm gonna promise you guys that I'll be finishing this book soon! I mean it, too. This book has blown up, and I'm so grateful it has. Plus, school had taken over my schedule and distracted me from this. 😭😭 Alright, enough talking, have a great day / night!)

Word count: 652

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