Chapter 8 (pt. 2): Breaking Point 💥💀

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We shift our focus over to Uranus and his situation, as he stands face to face with Neptune.

He couldn't stand to see his first actual mate, his friend, his cousin like this.

Gas giants and ice giants seemed to handle the gas differently. While rocky planets had the aura in their atmosphere, gas giants and ice giants already have other strong gasses, making the aura basically within them, mixing with the other gases. It usually takes longer to infect them than rocky planets since they have little gas.

Neptune has originally seen him observing. Surprisingly, his peripheral vision was pretty good, but it seemed to not matter at this point anymore.

"Neptune, please.. I don't want to hurt you.." Uranus mumbles, his voice shaky.

"Oh friend, you make the silliest comments!" Neptune laughs, inching closer by the second.

"Yea.. friend.." Uranus sighs, remembering every time they'd hung out. Despite those memories depicting Uranus as annoyed sometimes, he knew it was special, and he was happy someone actually liked him before this whole dumpster fire.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed someone the most." Uranus apologizes, looking down. His words didn't mean anything to the infected Neptune, but it would've meant something to the real one.

We shift our focus back over to Venus and Eris, who are currently running for their lives.

Triton was fast, and the fact that they were trying to dodge asteroids in the Kuiper belt didn't make it any better.

The asteroids started having blue faces on them. Venus thought he was hallucinating again, but it was real.

The more they ran, the more they got tired. They couldn't run forever.

A clearing was up ahead. Realizing this, Eris had an idea.


"WHY?!" Venus yells back. They were both out of breath.

"JUST DO IT!" Eris pleads.

Venus quickly took asteroids with his gravity. He remembers when he used this method on Mars during asteroid dodge ball.

He threw the asteroids with his gravity, using it as an assist once again.

The asteroids fly towards Triton, and he dodges most of them, but then suddenly stopping as a bigger asteroid flies towards him.

He was stopped for now, but when one problem is fixed, another rises.

He sees Uranus in the distance, shocked. As him and Eris ran towards Uranus, he saw Neptune standing across from him.

Uranus was keeping a close eye on Neptune.

Panicking, Venus calls out for Uranus.

Uranus looks towards Venus, getting distracted. He was glad to see Venus.

Who knew this would be his last.

It happened in an instant, flashing before Venus's and Eris's very eyes.

Uranus had been stabbed by Neptune, the craziest part having him be stabbed with Guillermo, Neptune's favorite asteroid.

Who knew it was this sharp.

Everything went still. It felt like time stopped right then and there. Eris and Venus stared wide-eyed.

Venus teared up, his breath becoming shallow. It felt like his core shattered into a million pieces.

"Hey Venus..?" Uranus starts. Venus kept staring as tears started streaming down. "When you fix this.. tell Neptune.. I'm sorry I wasn't there for him when I needed to be..." Uranus coughs gas, tearing up as well.

"URANUS!" Venus screams, dread filled him, his voice cracking and breaking from the scream he had just produced. Uranus closes his eyes, fading away, as he can no longer hold himself together, the gas drifting away.

Venus cries out, and Eris tears up as well, horrified.

Venus wished this was a dream..

His friend..

The one he had trusted the most..

The one who had been with him since the beginning of this hell hole..

Was dead.


(I'm sorry)

Word count: 633

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