Chapter 8 (pt. 1): Breaking Point 🤬💥

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Venus runs up to Eris, shocked and scared. This problem was getting worse.. they were becoming more violent than before.

"ERIS, HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED?!" Venus yells, trying not to tear up.

"I'm fine, Venus. I'm just a little hurt.. that's all.." Eris says, her voice low as she wipes away her tears.

"A little..? A LITTLE?! DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF?! ONE OF YOUR EYES ARE GONE!" Venus shouts, panicking. He couldn't help but shed a few tears, as they quickly evaporated because of his high temperatures.

"Venus, stop. I'll be fine." Eris says, furrowing her eyebrows as her surface cracks.

"Eris, do you know how serious this is?! Out of all people, you should know that when a rocky being like yourself gets damaged like that, your surface could crack and potentially break." Venus explains, worried.

"Eris, you could possibly die." He finishes as more tears run down his face.

"I'm not gonna die, Venus.. quit worrying. I can handle it." Eris sighed as she looked at him.

"Do you know where the others are?"

"No, I've been looking, but I've only found you." Venus answers as he calms down.

"Well, let's look together, crybaby." Eris suggests, being snarky.

"Yea.. let's- hey! I'm not!" Venus proclaims, offended.

Eris smiled, and so did Venus. They both laughed a little before heading off to find Jupiter and Uranus.

~Time Skip~

"Damn.. where are they..?" Eris questions, her voice quiet.

"We've been looking foreverrr.." Venus whines, complaining.

A quiet rustle is heard in the asteroids of the Kuiper belt.

"Shut up..!" Eris demands, trying to listen.

They both go quiet, listening for the faint rustle.

Eris starts to move closer to an astriod. It was quite large, but not large enough to hide someone like Uranus or Jupiter.

Eris suddenly jumps around, ready to kick ass if needed.

"What the.." Eris says, shocked.

Venus goes around to the back of the astriod as well.

"Triton?" Eris asks, confused.

"Uugghhh... Eris..? Is that you?" Triton asks, his head spinning like crazy.

"Yea, it's me. How are you not infected?" She questioned, suspicious.

"Could say the same about your friend." Triton states, looking at Venus. It was a valid point.

"Fair point." Eris agrees. "But seriously, I haven't seen you in forever."

"Yea, I know.. it's a long story. But we don't have time for that right now." Triton states, his expression turning serious.

"Right. Have you seen Uranus or Jupiter by any chance?" Eris asks, wondering if he's seen them anywhere.

"That's actually what I've been meaning to talk to you guys about." Triton starts. "You see, most celestial objects, meaning planets, Dwarf planets, and some moons, have an atmosphere. This gas.. is getting trapped in that." He explains.

"We already know that stupid." Venus rolls his eyes.

"Yea, but that should mean the gas would be within your atmosphere." Triton states.

"Yea..? I don't understand where you're coming from Timmy." Venus says, confused.

"It's.. Triton.. but the thing is, Venus, you have one of the most thickest atmospheres. You have an intense greenhouse effect, trapping heat." Triton explains, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I already know. What's your point?" Venus sighs, just wanting him to get to the point.

"The gas makes things apparently violent and mean. You trap heat, so you trap the gas within you." Triton pauses. "So how the hell are you not infected?" Triton growls, glaring at him.

Venus is silent. He doesn't know why. Maybe it's because he's already deemed as 'violent' or 'mean'. These hallucinations don't make any sense, and now he doesn't know where Uranus or Jupiter is. Hell, Eris is missing an eye, and her surface is cracking.

Eris looks at Venus, worried. She looks back at Triton, suddenly noticing something.

The yellow aura.

"..Triton..?" Eris says quietly, knowing things won't end well.

Everyone is silent for a moment before Triton chuckles slightly.

"Eris, Venus," Triton starts, taking off his glasses. He looks down.

Eris stares at him wide-eyed. Venus snaps out of his own thoughts, also noticing the yellow aura.

He wasn't even fast enough to escape it.

Triton sighs, smiling, looking back up at them.

"I suggest you start running."


Word count: 704

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