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Ok, HOLY SHIT. I didn't expect this book to blow up! I just want to say thank you SO MUCH for reading this story. I will be completely honest and say that this book wasn't a planned book AT ALL 😭😭 I honestly improvised a lot of stuff and just made it up as I went. Overall, I enjoyed making this book, and It makes me so happy that a lot of you were invested in my stupid little story. I started this book on another book originally (random solarballs stories) and, by request, decided to make it a book! Over the span of a year, I had written this book. I started when I was in 8th grade, and now I'm heading into 10th, which is insane to think about. I wanna thank MOONDEITYZ for the request to make it into a full book! It honestly wouldn't have happened if they didn't request it, loll! I'd also like to thank Fl0w3rg1rlor, Suitcase_II_Fan, StarUniverseXD, Arson_ily, and SomebodyMadam for being the most active and consistent in the story and the updates! And I want to thank everyone else who I didn't tag for reading my book. In the end, you guys are the reason why I could finish this book in the first place. Seeing your comments made my face light up with joy. Seeing that people actually appreciate my work makes me feel like I'm someone who contributed something in this world. I don't wanna turn this into a full-on emotional speech, so I'll have to end it here. Thank you all for staying and reading Venus Gets Lost. It's been one hell of a journey, and I can't wait to make more books like this one. :)

So uhh.. thx :D


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