Chapter 7 (pt. 1): The Investigation 💔😵‍💫🤬

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"Are you crazy?!" Eris questions, concerned for the angry planets' well-being.

"Look, it's the only way! If we want to eliminate suspects, we have to spy on them." Venus says,  supporting his claims.

"That's just asking for us to be caught, especially me!" Eris argues back.

"You're the smallest member of the team. You'll be the least likely to be caught..!" Venus proclaims.

"No! Absolutely not!" Eris refused.

"Do we even have a choice here..?" Jupiter reasons, trying to convince Eris to comply with the plan.

Eris stops and goes silent. Everyone was worried, but this was the only way.

"Ok.. let's summarize the plan." Venus starts.

"Eris, you spy and gather information on everyone."

Eris rolls her eyes.

"Uranus, you take the information that Eris gets, and research it with Jupiter."

Uranus and Jupiter both nod.

"And for me, I'll try and get more hallucinations.. although I'm afraid to sleep, I'll try and go back. For more information." Venus explains, ending the summary.

Everyone looked concerned, but if this is the only way, then we have to. To stop this.. infection.. or whatever it was..

"Alright.. ready..?" Venus asked everyone.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess.." Uranus says.

"Alright, none of that 1, 2, 3, go team cheesy stuff, let's head out. Good luck to everyone." Eris suggests and wishes everyone luck.

Everyone nods and heads out in different directions, ready to take on whatever was making the planets and Dwarf planets go mad.

~Time Skip~

Eris is hiding in the asteroid belt, as her first suspect was none other than Pluto. She spyed on him as he made his way through the belt, looking for others.

Pluto appears to just be mindlessly wandering.. the mastermind would definitely be planning for what's next..

Eris still watches silently as he wanders.

Pluto seems to have brown and maroon surface colors. He has a thin atmosphere, and is tidally locked with his moon, Charon. Charon has gray and maroon surface colors. Charon has no significant atmosphere, but may share atmospheric gasses with Pluto.

They both seem to be hypnotized. A grayish yellow aura seems to be infested in their atmosphere.

"That's weird.." Eris whispers.

Eris leaves the scene with new info to give to Jupiter and Uranus, going unnoticed.

Meanwhile, with Venus..

"Ok Venus.. you can do this..! You just have to go to sleep, get information, and head out! There's no need to get so worked up about it..!" Venus says, talking to himself, but the reinsurance doesn't help, and his fake smile slowly fades.

He hesitates before closing his eyes, and finally heading to sleep.

~Time Skip~

"I don't like you."


"I. Don't. Like. You."

Venus stands I front of the figure, it's dark and blurred out.

"Who are you..? Why are you doing this..?" Venus asks, confused and scared.

"So now you care..? Of course.. and I already told you.. I don't like you!" The figure responds, their voice is distorted.

Venus tries to comprehend what size the figure is, but everything is blurry.

"This will all be over soon.. the gas will consume you all. I'll finally get what I want.." The figure laughs, as they fade away.

Venus feels dizzy, as space fades away. Distorted laughing can be heard in the  distance. Venus closes his eyes, trying to stop the dizziness.


Venus opens his eyes, the dizziness has completely stopped, and his vision is only a bit fuzzy.

"Venus, oh, I'm so glad you're ok..!" Uranus says, happy.

"What..?" Venus says, confused.

"Come on we don't have much time left..!" Uranus says, guiding the way, as Venus follows him.

"I.. don't understand.. wait." Venus stops.

Uranus turned to look at him.

"This.. isn't real.. is it..?" Venus asks.

"Of course it's real silly..!" Now come on! Uranus confirms, starting to lead the way again.



"...I said no." Venus repeats.

"Come on.. don't be stupid. We're waiting for you!" Uranus smiles, but something was off.

Uranus went towards Venus.

"Get away from me." Venus demands.

"Don't be like that, Venus.." Uranus says, his smile fading.

"Yea.. that's not very nice."

Venus turns around. Jupiter was there.

"Y'know, maybe you should stop being so mean." Jupiter requests.

"I agree, he's so demanding." Eris chimes in, as Venus turns towards her.

"Hah! I know, right?! He thinks he's the leader!" Uranus adds on.

"No..! I don't! What's happening?! Stop.. STOP..!" Venus pleads.

"You're not special." Eris insults.

"So much for being named after the Roman godess of love and beauty, when you're none of that." Jupiter spits out.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Venus shouts, as he runs off, tearing up.

His teammates chase after him, as the setting changes from space, to a white void.

"THERES NO ESCAPE." Uranus yells.

Venus sees an astriod in the distance, he runs towards it.

"NO STOP!" Jupiter shouts.

"DONT GO ANY FURTHER." Eris demanded.

Venus didn't speak.


Venus didn't say anything. As he grew closer to the asteroid. He knew what the figure wanted, and they knew as well. he had to get out of this nightmare somehow.



Venus cried out, crashing into the asteroid.

Venus opens his eyes, he's crying. He's back to the spot where he fell asleep.

He looked around. No one was here.

"Holy Shit.."

(To be continued.. 🤑)

(Wsg guys! Another chapter done 💪😎🔥 Venus had to escape somehow, luckily it was just a dream.. right..? Also, if you feel this way where you think suicide is the only way, please tell someone, whether it be a family member, a friend, or someone online in a comment section. You only have one life, and even if you dont think it will get better, it will. I promise. Have a great day/night! Stay safe out there! ❤️)

Word count: 929

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