You Changed Me (Calum)

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"Cal, we're going out tonight, do you want to come?" You were in the hallway upstairs in the house you and Calum shared when you overheard Michael talking. You were actually headed downstairs to get a snack, but when you heard this question, you decided to stop and listen for Calum's answer.

"Nah, I think I'm going to stay home with y/n. Maybe watch a film or something." You smiled at Calum's response. Knowing his history with partying and drinking, you were happy that he chose you over his old habits.

"Wow, y/n really did it, huh?" Ashton asked.

"Did what? What are you talking about?"

"She.. changed you. You were the biggest party animal ever and now you'd rather stay home and watch a film? It's amazing." Ashton replied.

"Yeah. I don't even have the urge to party like I used to. She brings the best out of me." You smiled at Calum's statement. It make you happy that he was talking about you, that you were the one who made him get his act together. If he would've stayed on the same path it could've been fatal to his career... and him. He was in a really bad state when you met him. You remembered the night so vividly, almost like it was just yesterday.

You separated from your friends as they danced to the music that played in the club. You really had to use the bathroom and felt like if you didn't go now, you'd regret it. You got so close to the bathroom that you could hear toilets flushing and faucets running. Soon as you reached the door, you pushed it open, practically running inside.

After you had used the bathroom and washed your hands, you left out to find your friends. You didn't make it far, though, because you almost tripped over something on the floor right next to the bathroom door. You took your phone out of your bra to flash the light to see whatever it was, and soon realized that it was a person, a man to be exact, sitting on the floor. His head was down so all you could see was the blonde patch in the middle of the dark hair on his head. Looking down at him made you feel sad. He was clearly drunk with no friends here to help him. You squatted down, keeping your legs closed since you had on a short dress, and tried to get his attention.

"Hey... are you okay?" you asked loud enough so he'd hear you over the music playing in the club. He didn't respond so you tapped him on the head, making him look up. He immediately gave you a drunken smile.
"Hiiiii." he spoke. You laughed. He was clearly out of it but he was really cute.

"Hi. Do you need any help?" you asked him. He shook his head. "Are you sure? I could take you home." you offered. His glossy brown eyes shone in the light coming from your phone. He just looked up at you for a minute, as if he was considering what you just told him.

"C'mon, you don't want to be on a cold floor. You want to be at home in your warm, comfortable bed, right?" He nodded his head and you smiled, even though he probably couldn't see. "Then, c'mon, I'll help you up."

You locked your phone and put it back in your bra so you could help him up. It was a bit of a struggle, he was heavier than you expected his skinny body to be and he was much taller than you realized. Luckily, he didn't need too much help walking as you made your way through the club with his arm across your shoulders, slightly leaning on you for support. It wasn't long before you both were out the door, heading to your car.

"I'm Calum." he randomly told you as the two of you walked. You laughed.

"Hi Calum, I'm y/n." you told him. You looked at him with a smile on your face to see he was smiling back.

"You're pretty." he told you. Even though you knew he was drunk, you still found yourself blushing.

"Thank you. Let's get you home, okay?" The two of you finally reached your car so you helped him into the passenger side. You made sure he was fully in with his seatbelt on before you closed the door and walked to the driver's side. You drove him home and had to go inside with him to make sure he was okay before you left. You waited until he was asleep and wrote a little note, telling him who you were and that he could call you if he ever needed help, which he definitely did.

"I'm glad someone could get through to you." Ashton told him.

"She's too good for you." Luke added, randomly, making you laugh.

"I know." Calum replied. There was a long moment of silence before you heard the boys say their goodbyes followed by the front door closing. You went downstairs and was met by your handsome boyfriend who was sitting on the couch. He smiled up at you when you entered the room so you walked to him and sat on his lap, giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Did you really mean what you said?" you asked him. He looked confused, like he didn't know where this was coming from.


"When you said that I'm too good for you." you spoke. His face relaxed and he let out a small laugh before he nodded. "Don't ever say that, Cal. I'm no better than you."

"I just... I feel like you are. You've helped me become a better man and I can never repay you for that, y/n." he responded.

"You don't have to, Calum. You may think that I was the cause but you're the one who changed. You're the one who makes better decisions everyday. I have nothing to do with that, babe." you told him.

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts." you said, cutting him off. "You're the one who made a change and I'm so proud of you because of it. No one else deserves credit but you." you said, kissing him on the nose. He smiled and looked up at you, making you smile back.

"I love you, y/n."

"And I love you, too. You gonna help me make something to eat?" You stood up and headed towards the kitchen. You didn't make it far before you felt his arms wrap around your waist from behind and his head rest on your shoulder. A smile came over your face just from being in his embrace.

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