Just Saying [Muke]

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Michael(his pov):

I ran out of the party to follow y/n. Her boyfriend was being a jerk to her in front of everyone. He was bossing her around and cursing at her. He even kissed some girl. I really wanted to beat the life out of him but when I saw her run out of the house with tears in her eyes, I knew I had to check on her.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I sat next to her on the curb and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest. I heard her sniff a few times before she wiped her face with her sleeves.

"Yeah, I'm fine. He just drank too much, that's all." she said, defending her horrible excuse of a boyfriend.

"You're not fine, y/n... and that had nothing to do with how much he drank. He treats you like crap all of the time." I told her. She broke out of my arms and stood up.

"Why do you even care, Michael?!" she yelled. I stood up and looked at her.

"Because you deserve better than this shit! You deserve better than him! Why do you even settle?!" I yelled back.

"Well I love him, Michael and he loves me!" she said. I scoffed.

"He loves you? He loves you?! If he loves you so much why isn't he out here checking to see if you're okay? Why am I the one doing it? Why am I always the one doing it?! If he truly loves you why the fuck are you out here crying over something he did?!" I was now yelling at the top of my lungs. I couldn't help it. It frustrated me so much knowing that y/n was so dumb for that bitch she calls a boyfriend.

"Nobody asked you to come check on me! I was fine until you came out here trying to judge what you don't know." she said.

"But I do know! Everyone knows! The only person too stupid to see what he does to you is you!" I yelled at her. There was a moment of silence as she just looked at me. I couldn't see her face clearly because she wasn't facing the street light but I knew she was upset about what I had said.

"Well if I'm so stupid, why do you even talk to me?" she asked. She turned and walked away and I walked behind her, trying to stop her.

"Y/n, please-"

"Leave me alone Michael." she said, cutting me off.

"But y/n, I'm so-"

"I don't care! Leave me alone and don't talk to me again! I wouldn't want to annoy you with my stupidity." she told me. Her words made me stop in my tracks. I watched as she walked back to the house and entered the party.

I stood there feeling like a complete moron for calling her stupid. I didn't mean to offend her. I was just so mad at her for putting up with her boyfriend's shit when she didn't have to. I'd be so willing to take his place and treat her right, but she doesn't even see it.

I got so frustrated with the whole thing that I probably made her feel exactly how he does. She's never been that mad at me or told me not to talk to her before so I knew that I really messed up. In her eyes, I was probably no different from him now and that's the very last thing I wanted. My conscious was screaming at me, telling me how dumb I am. I felt incredibly guilty and I've never regretted anything more in my life. There's absolutely no way she'll go out with me now.

God, why am I so stupid?!

Luke(his pov):

I watched y/n and her boyfriend talk and laugh across the table from me. Our entire group of friends were out at the restaurant we always hang out at, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her and her dumb boyfriend.

He's.. awful. That's the only way I can really describe him. He's always "borrowing" all of y/n's money and he never takes her out. She even pays for him when we all come to this diner. He doesn't even try to stop her, either. He's a total loser. It really annoys me how much she likes him.

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