Video Games [Michael]

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"Me and Michael are going to Gamestop."

"We're going to go play Street Fighter."

"Oh, we just played Dragon Ball Xenoverse last night, nothing special."

After all the times you've effortlessly lied to Michael's girlfriend, it was suddenly hard for the words to fall out of your lips. She stood in front of you in the girl's bathroom of the restaurant you were in. The boys were at a table, eager to order something to fill their empty bellies after a long day of recording for their new album. She'd asked you to visit the girl's room with her. You didn't find it weird at all, girls always go to the bathroom in groups. It's normal. But as you stood not even a foot away from the stall because she stood in front of you as soon as you walked out and bombarded you with a question you'd never expected, you realized that she wanted more than just a buddy to walk through the restaurant with.

"What did you and Michael really do last night?" The saliva was beginning to feel thick in your throat, but you weren't gonna gulp. That's always a dead giveaway to a lie and you weren't going to get caught like that. Not after everything that's happened.

"Oh, he watched me play some Destiny for a while. Then we played a few fighting games. That's basically it." you told her. Images of the controllers falling out of both you and Michael's hands and onto the floor flashed across your eyes. As well as the clothes you discarded that fell next to them.

Crystal looked at you for a few more moments. Her face held every bit of suspicion that she had about the whole situation, but she decided to drop it for the moment. You could almost see the wheels inside of her head still turning, probably thinking of ways to catch you two and find out the truth that she'd somehow caught on to.

"Hm..... okay." She turned on her heel and walked out of the bathroom, leaving you alone. A slight wave of panic consumed you as you washed your hands, but you quickly pulled yourself together before you went back to the table to join everyone. As soon you did, Michael asked if you'd be coming over to play games with him later that night and you made sure not to shift your eyes to Crystal before nodding your head.

Michael could barely get the door to his bedroom closed before he was all over you. He left sloppy kisses all over the skin covering your neck as you somehow made it to stand in the middle of his room.

"Crystal asked what do we really do when we play video games together." you told him. In between the kisses he asked you the question you expected to hear from him.

"What'd you tell her?" Now his hands were on your waist as his pink lips attacked your neck again. At this rate he was bound to give you a hickie and right now really wasn't the right time considering his girlfriend was already growing suspicious of you two's friendship.

"I told her what I always tell her, that we played video games." He mumbled a 'good' before lifting your shirt above your head and turning your body so he could back you into the wall next to his bed. His lips worked his way down your neck, going to your chest. Normally you'd be a mess in his hands at just the slightest kiss but you weren't very into it at the current moment. There was too much on your mind and, in your opinion, not enough on his.

"Michael, how long do you think it'll be before she finds out about this?" you asked. Michael halted his movements, hovering over the spot he was just kissing on your chest.

"Not long." he said lowly. You pushed yourself off the wall, making him stand up straight and back up to let you walk forward.

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