Just Friends? [Ashton] [written by donnybear]

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You were in a girl group of your own, and although you belonged to completely different genres--you made pop/r&b--you all clicked with the boys of Five Seconds of Summer as soon as you met.

The media took notice of this, and of course it was always speculations that your two groups were dating. You all thought it was funny, because you knew that wasn't the case at all, they were simply your best friends.

One day though, you were scrolling through your Twitter, occasionally talking to fans, when a link popped up in your mentions. Out of curiosity, you clicked it. A random blog site popped up and you read it. Basically the whole post was about which one of you girls, was dating which boy. It even went as far as providing "proof", such as pictures and videos, that showed why the couple is, or should be dating. You had to hand it to them though for the amount of work put into this. If you were just an outsider looking in, you'd believe you all were dating too. Your phone buzzing caused you to tear your eyes away from your computer screen.

"Hey, babe, why didn't you tell me we were dating?" It was a text from Ashton. You laughed, knowing he had seen the blog as well. The two of you were the closest, so it made sense that you would be paired together.

"We're a pretty hot couple huh?" You sent back playing along.

"Hell yeah, hotter than the others."

To make the situation even funnier, right after he replied to your text, you saw that he tagged you in a photo on Twitter.

@Ashton5SOS: Hottest couple on the block #yourshipname pic.twitter.com/haiabru97gh

It was a silly picture the two of you took the last time you were together. You quoted the tweet with a kissy face and decided to log out, knowing your timeline was about to be in shambles after that. But at least you got a good laugh.

Ever since that day, you and Ashton communicated as if you were a couple. It went on for weeks and you never thought anything of it, besides it being a joke. It's been about a month or two since you girls last saw the boys. They've been on tour, and you girls have been in the studio, working on a new album. But tonight was their last show, and it was in your city.

They asked, no begged, you girls to come, but somehow you all convinced them that you wouldn't be able to make it. Normally, you all had the hardest time lying to them, they always could see right through it but this time it worked. Little did they know you girls were planning on surprising them. What could be more important than missing your favorite guys' show?

At around 6:30, you and your girls showed up at the venue. When either of you had a show, and the other couldn't make it, you'd always text one another wishing them good luck. So, while walking through the venue to get to their dressing room, you decided to send Ashton a text.

"Good luck tonight lovey, I know you'll kill it! I'm sooo sorry we can't make it, but I promise to make up for it! "

A moment later he replied. It was a photo of him and Luke with pouty faces. You giggled and showed the other girls.

"Aw!" Your groupmate Anni squealed. "I can't want to see their faces when we walk in!"

You finally reached their dressing room and quietly snuck into the door without them seeing or hearing. Calum was sitting on a chair, across from Ashton and Luke on the couch. He had his phone up as if he was recording, probably a keek.

"Alright boys, let's play a fucking, rocking show tonight." Ashton said, before slightly looking up at Calum. "Are you videoing? I just swore, you can't post that anywhere." You held back your laugh at that.

"Wow, how punk of you," you giggled and they all turned around noticing you girls in the room. In a matter of seconds, they were out of their seats and rushing towards you like little kids in a candy shop.

"I thought you guys said you couldn't come?" Calum asked.

"Well, we're here." Kiara smiled.

"I'm so glad you're here, [y/n]." Ashton said smiling at you.

"Of course I'm here, I could never miss my Ashy's show." You cooed pinching his cheek. He was about to speak again but their road manager came in saying they needed to head towards the stage.

The other girls left to sit in the audience, but you always enjoyed watching the show from the wings so, hand in hand, you walked with Ashton towards the stage. The countdown was going on the screen and they were all preparing to go on.

"Go out there and kill it guys!" You said opening your arms for a group hug.

"Don't we always?" Michael chimed in and you laughed.

"Yeah that's true." They all gathered in the hug as the clock hit 3...2....1. Ashton always lead the boys in, and he was about to, before he quickly rushed back to you.

"What are yo-" all of a sudden he grabbed your face and kissed you softly, but passionately. He pulled away and quickly ran on stage, leaving you there in shock. What was that? You looked over to the other boys, but they only smirked knowingly, before going on stage themselves. Pushing whatever just happened out of mind, you decided to brush it off and enjoy the show.

Midway through the show, during one of your favorite songs, Kiss Me Kiss Me, Ashton suddenly stopped playing.

"I'm sorry," he said into the mic. "Guys can I do something really quick?" He looked at his band mates and they all nodded. Once they did, Ash stood up from his drum stand and walked towards the wings. Next thing you know he was grabbing your hand and pulling you on stage. The crowd went crazy when they saw you and you stood there waving awkwardly.

"I'm sure most of you know who this is," he started. "Can you say hi to [y/n] for me?" The crowd erupted with "hi [y/n]!" You still had no idea what he was doing but you ran with it.

"In case you didn't know though, this is my best friend, [y/n]. Her and her friends down there, are in a band themselves, and they're pretty damn good if you ask me." He said, pointing down to your group members and they cheered. "There's a reason I brought you up here tonight though," you nodded and waited for him to continue.

"We've known each other for quite some time now, and I really really care for you," he said taking a hold of your hand.

"I care about you too, Ashton." You said with a light smile.

"Here's the thing though, I care about you in more than a friend way. I know I'm putting you on the spot by doing this but I'd like to know if you'd do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

You were completely floored by his question. You always knew you had feelings for him, but never in a million years did you think he'd feel the same.

"Y-Yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend."

"Awww," Michael cooed and so did the audience.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Calum started chanting which started Michael and Luke to join, which started up the audience. You looked at Ashton and he shrugged before grabbing onto your waist and crashing his lips onto yours. The kiss didn't last for too long, but it was the sweetest kiss you ever had. He smiled against your lips and pulled away as the crowd cheered you on.

"I'm so sorry for stopping the show guys, I hope you can forgive me." You said into the mic and got "it's okay!" And "we forgive you!" Back in response.

"Everyone say bye to [y/n], now." Luke said and you waved goodbye before running off stage.

"Ashton, you're ruining our rep, man. We're supposed to be punk. You're turning soft." Calum said joking once Ashton returned to his drum set.

"Hey! I'm sorry, I couldn't let the girl I love stand by any longer." He replied smiling, showing his deep dimples.

"Well it took you long enough," Michael said and it made you wonder just how long he's been wanting to do this.

You made eye contact with him one last time and he sent you a wink before counting off and restarting the song. There was nothing stopping your huge grin now, as you sung along and danced in the wings.

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