Meeting Luke

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It was the middle of a Sunday afternoon and you randomly decided to walk down the street. You had no specific reason, you just felt the urge to get up and take a walk, so you did. It was nice to get outside and get some fresh air after being in the house for so long. You enjoyed the way the cool breeze felt in contrast to the sun shining down on you.

You were so caught up in how good it felt just to be outside that you walked further than you planned to. You were now just outside of your neighborhood where a couple of small businesses were. You ran into a small music store that you had never seen before. It looked really cool so you walked inside.

The inside of the store looked even better than it did through the window. The walls were covered in old vinyl records with a couple of guitars here and there. They had an old jukebox against one of the walls by the window and a record player sitting on a shelf not too far from it. You decided to start on that side of the store, admiring every album they sold and every music related decoration they had. It was all so interesting and cool.

You walked down the aisle until you couldn't anymore. There was a very tall boy blocking the rest of the aisle. The store was really small so two people couldn't really move around each other without squeezing past. You were about to say 'excuse me' to get to the rest of the store when you started to take in the boy's appearance more.

He was wearing black skinny jeans with rips at the knees and black shoes. Your eyes travelled up his body to see that he also wore a black hoodie. A maroon snapback sat backwards on his head, covering his blonde hair. He glanced at you and as soon as you saw his full face, you smiled. You knew those blue eyes and that black lip ring anywhere so you knew that you had been staring at Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer.

You were surprised because you didn't know he was supposed to be in your city right now. You didn't know of any show or event happening that involved him or his band so it was weird. The fact that he was just blocks from your home, in a random record store, was even weirder.

You hadn't realized that you were still staring at him until he pulled his hoodie over his head. He zipped it all the way up and bit his lip, covering his lip ring. It's almost like he was hiding and didn't want to be recognized. Despite having these thoughts, you couldn't just not speak to him. You'd never forgive yourself if you didn't at least say hi. You decided to not ask him for a picture or anything so you wouldn't be bothering him too much.

"Hi Luke." you said, smiling. You heard him sigh before he mumbled a small hello back. He didn't look at you, he just kept his eyes on whatever was in front of him. You followed his gaze until your eyes landed on the record player you'd seen earlier.

"This store is so cool. I love the old records on the wall and the juke box.." you said.

"Yeah, this store is really cool.." he trailed off. He still hadn't looked at you again.

"I've always wanted a record player. Just so I could have an excuse to have a record collection." you said, reaching out to touch the one in front of you. You were careful so you wouldn't break it because you didn't have enough money on you to pay for it. You saw Luke look at you out the corner of your eye as you ran your hand across it.

"You're into records?" he asked. You looked up at him.

"Yeah. Is that surprising?"

"A little bit. Not many teenagers are." he said, a smile starting to form on his face.

"Well I always have been. I just never actually bought one." you said, letting out a small laugh.

"I'm the same way... are you really into music, like, do you play an instrument?" he asked. His body was slightly turned to you now and he looked like he really cared about your answer.

"Of course I love music. Who doesn't? I don't play an instrument, though." you told him. He didn't say anything after that, he just turned to look at something else on the wall.

"You'd look really good in this." you said, picking up a colorful hat with a red fan on the top of it. It was weird that it was randomly sitting on one of the shelves since it didn't go with the theme of the store.

Luke looked at you and laughed once he saw the hat in your hand. He pushed the fan on the top so it'd spin and you laughed.

"I don't really think that's my style. I'm a really preppy guy as you can see." he said.

"Yeah, you're definitely preppy wearing all black with a matching lip ring." you said. Luke laughed again and you joined him. You loved the sound of his laugh. It was both weird and cute and it made you want to laugh harder.

"You live around here?" he asked. You nodded as you put the hat back on the shelf.

"Yeah, I actually just went for a walk but I walked a little too far and ended up here."

"I'm glad you did." he said. You looked at him and saw him watching you, biting his lip ring as he did. You gave him a small smile.

"I am, too... so why are you here?" you asked him. He shrugged.

"I just wanted to get away for a bit and have a day to myself." he said.

"And are you having a good day?" you asked. A smile slowly spread across his face.

"Yeah, I am." he said. This made you smile again.

"I'm glad you are... I have to get back home before I don't feel like walking anymore. Nice meeting you, Luke."

"Nice meeting you, too." he said. You were surprised when he pulled you into a hug but you hugged him back.

"Okay.. bye." you said. You turned around and walked out of the store.

On your walk home, you couldn't stop thinking about your encounter with Luke. You would've never expected to meet him in such a random way, but you were glad that you did. Even though you didn't get a picture, you got to talk to him and laugh with him and that was enough for you.

When you got home, you took off your jacket and shoes and laid down on your bed. You unlocked your phone and went to twitter. You read through all of the tweets that people made until one caught your eye.

@Luke5sos: To the fan who just talked to me without asking for a picture or autograph, thank you. It made my day. I just wanted to feel normal. :D

You smiled to yourself, knowing that you had made Luke happy. You retweeted and favorited the tweet before you replied saying 'you're welcome'. You knew he'd never see it through the sea of people in his mentions and that no one would ever know it was you that he was talking about, but you didn't care. Just knowing you had met him and made him happy, made you happy.

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