Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of what seemed like people wrestling. I glanced over at my alarm clock to see what time it was, only to come to the realisation that it was 6:00am. I stood up from my bed and heard a door slam and then figured that my two brothers were fighting over the bathroom which they sadly had to share.

I was one of four children, there was my oldest brother Alex, he was 18 and soon to be alpha of the Blue moon pack that he will be taking over from my father. He has already found his mate who will be our luna. Then there my brothers Christain and Kyle they are 17 and i am too, we are triplets yet im the youngest of them all and the only girl in the family so i kind of get special treatment a lot of the time. Being daddys little girl has lots of advantages.

For instance i had my own room with my own bathroom and walk in closet designed for a princess. So unlike my two brothers Christain and Kyle that had to share a bedroom and bathroom, which was smaller than mine i had all the advantages.

As i walked into the bathroom i peered at myself in the mirror and i looked like death. Today was the first day of school after a holiday of partying,getting up late and sleeping late and well who could forget the mounds of junk food and lazying on the couch watching movies.So you could say i picked up a bit of weight but not much. I was fairly normally built, only been 1,7metres tall, athletic and physically strong from years of gymnastics.I was very competitive in everything even my school work, my brothers call me a nerd, well besides Alex because he does well in school as well, because i constantly have my nose in a book when im around people that arent from my pack.

I got into the hot running water of my shower, the water running down my body felt amazing after only a few hours of sleep.I reached for my lavender and rose shampoo and began to wash my hair, once i was done with my hair i grabbed my vanilla body was that smelt amazing and squeezed some onto my clothe and began lathering myself in the vanilla scent.I climbed out the shower and wrap my robe around my body and a towel over my hair.I looked in the mirror to see that my grey blue eyes had gained some green colour and made me look more alive.I began to dry my brown hair with ombre tips that came all the way down to my hips, i absolutely loved my long hair and it is something i took pride in, i just left my hair loose as it was naturally straight.Once i was done with my hair i decided to put some eyeliner and mascara in with a bit of blush and nude lip. Walking into my closet i grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans with a blue flowy strappy top with a nude leather jacket and my nude heels.I quickly glanced at myself in the mirror and gave myself a nod of approval before heading downstairs to see what my mom was making for breakfast.

Opening my door i was nearly knocked to the ground by my brothers Kyle and Christain, who seem to be attempting to get downstairs to breakfast which smelt amazing.My mom was an amazing cook and there wasnt one time where we left a meal and there were leftovers.As i got to the kitchen table i walked passed my dad and gave him a kiss on the cheek while he sat with his newspaper and coffee. All three of my brothers muttered a "good morning" to me with their mouths half full of waffles and cream.I walk into the kitchen to find my mom humming along with the radio while making more waffles.

"Morning mom" i greeted with a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning darling, i hope you're hungry" she said, my mom was never in a bad mood.The sky could be falling down and she would still be the happiest person alive.

"Yes i am mom, im starving and it smells so amazing."

" Grab yourself a plate there darling, these two are ready.The cream and syrup is on the table."

"Thanks mom."

As i walked to the table and i noticed that my brothers were gone.They all leave for school earlier than i do as we all have our own cars, well accept for me i have a motorbike because cars never seem to interest me, they were never fast enough for my liking.

I sat down and began to eat my waffles and have a glass of fresh orange juices before i ran upstairs to brush my teeth.Walking downstairs with my keys and helmet in hand i quickly said goodbye to my parents.I walked outside to my baby , Yamaha R1, now this is what i called speed. i climbed onto my bike and rode off to to school which only took me about 10 minutes to get to as i didnt have to wait in any traffic.

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