Chapter 5

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Hunter's P.O.V

We had been running for hours before we crossed the boarder into The Blue Moon pack territory. We were then met by guards who had been informed about our arrival by their alpha. They took us to the alpha's house where I shifted back into my human form and placed a pair of basketball shorts on that my Beta Luke handed to me once he and my third in command Devan had shifted. We walked up the stairs to the front door and it was immediately opened.

"Alpha Hunter, welcome to the Blue Moon pack. I'm Luna Dana."

"Thank you Luna Dana." I said politely.

"Please come in, Alpha Damon is in his office. Let me you show you three to it." We all followed her down a long passage which then ended with a large antique looking door. The door opened as we got to it to reveal a man that was a little taller than what I was and I was quite tall as I was 1.9 metres tall. So he must of being at least 2 metres tall.

"Alpha Damon, thank you for inviting us to come stay at your pack for a while." I said as I shook his hand.

"Alpha Hunter, it is the least I can do to make sure the peace between our pack stays that way" he said with a smile on his face.

"Well I don't want to be rude but I think us three need to be heading off to school as we are late as it is" I state, even though I was Alpha of the Blood Moon pack I didn't let it put the idea into my head that I now didn't need to finish high school, it was my choice to continue with high school and I made sure my beta and third in command did too. Alpha Damon nodded before taking a seat behind his desk after shaking my signal that I could leave.

I walked back down the hall towards the front door, the house smelt like baked chocolate chip cookies and that's when I figured that Luna Dana must have been baking all morning. I opened the front door to a few of my pack members that had brought my cars as well as clothing for me, Luke and Devan. We all change into something decent before heading off to White Waters High. When we arrived at the school a bell had rung and teenagers filled the hallway, so I guessed that homeroom was over and that I should head to my first period which was math. A few steps after entering through the front door the scent of vanilla and lavender caught my attention and my wolf began to howl and try say something but I cut him off immediately as he could say some really stupid shit to me sometimes that wasn't relevant what's so ever. As I looked up from the ground after arguing with my wolf, the sight of two grey blue eyes with a hint of green caught my attention and I couldn't help but stare. The pair of eyes belonged to the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. I immediately began to feel possessive over her and I couldn't understand why, I felt that she needed to be mine and that no one else was even allowed to look at her wrong and I would kill them.

I walked past her trying to contain my wolf which was the hardest thing I had to do because this was the first time he had ever fought me the way he was fighting me now, but I just kept blocking him out as much as I could and I had to really focus in order to be successful with it. I took a seat in the maths class close to the back. I looked up to notice my beta Luke looking at me strangely, Luke was one of my best friends and he knew me better than myself sometimes so he could definitely tell that something was wrong and that he would get me to spill. But as he was about to ask me what was up the scent of lavender and vanilla hit my nose and my he shot up to find her walking into the classroom with her head down, it looked as if she knew where she was going. She took a seat in the back of the classroom, from the time that she had entered the classroom her heart rate had increased so she must of sensed my presence by now. I wasn't able to keep my eyes off of her for one second and that's when my heart stopped in my chest. Her grey blue eyes looked directly into mine and at that moment my wolf become stronger than me. "Mate!" "She's our mate!"

At that moment everything came together and I understood why I felt so possessive over her and why I wanted her to be mine so badly, I still want her to be mine forever. She would make me a stronger alpha and she would also make my pack stronger as they needed a lunar to help them.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her for one minute as I was scared something going to happen to her or that if I blinked that she would disappear because all of this was just a dream, I was scared that it was just a dream and I needed something to happen indicated that it wasn't. At that exact moment the bell rang and she got up from her chair quickly and left the classroom. I stood up right away and followed her down the hallway till she turned right and as I turned the corner I realised that she was using the wall to hold herself up. My eyes roamed over her body, she was beautiful and her body was irresistibly sexy. I had the urge to touch her, actually I needed to touch her to make sure that she was really and that none of this was a dream. I moved my body closer to her and instantly I found my lips roaming her neck down to her shoulder, her sent was intoxicating and I was doing my best to control myself. As I kissed her she let out a low sexy growl which made me want her even more, I then pulled her closer to my body just trying feel as much of her on me as I could. I the began kissing her from her ear to her shoulder again and as I did this she let out a small moan, which meant I had found her sweet spot where I would soon mark her as mine. My wolf was going crazy and my canines started extending and that's when I knew I had to stop before it was too late.

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