Chapter 3

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I was riding along a long widing road enjoying my ride when my dad mind-linked me "Sky dinner is ready and if you arent home soon your brothers are going to finish it all"
I quickly sped up because i knew my father was not joking because my brothers would seriously finish all the food before i got home if i didnt get there in 10 min.

I rode up my driveway and quickly parking my bike, i lept off it and ran inside with my helmet still on my head. I ran straight for the kitchen where everyone would be. As i entered the room my brothers were stuffing their faces with food. I instantly grabbed a plate and took the last piece of steak and bowl of chips. My brothers all looked at me and growl, i sat down on my seat and took my helmet off before giving the three of them a death stare. Theres one thing about me and food, if you touch my food you will not live another day.

My dad gave a little chuckle "boys calm down. You all know not to mess with your sister and her food."

"Exactly!" I said with a mouth full of food. "Dont you remember what happened last time you attempted to take my piece of chocolate cake, Kyle?"

"Yes i do, you bit me because i took it." He scoffed at me and my mom and dad just laughed.

Once dinner was finished my dad had called a family meeting to discuss some of the important business that was happening in the pack this week. Since my brother Alex was soon to be alpha, he spent a lot of time with my dad after school, where he learned about all thr alpha duties and responsibilities that he would be facing as becoming the alpha. He even went on meeting trips with my dad to neighbouring packs. I took a seat at the dinner table where everyone sat, i grabbed the cup of tea my mom had made for me and i took a sip. I felt the warm liquid run down my throat and warm my whole body up immediatly.

My dad began to speak " Well today i was informed by the Blood Moon pack taht they will be coming to visit us for a week or so to make sure both packs are able to live together as they are our brothering pack"

"How many of them will be coming to stay the week?" My brother Alex asked.

"Only about 100 of them. The alpha,beta and third in command will be staying here in the guest rooms. While the rest of them will be staying at the pack houses." My dad said

"Kyle,Sky this will also be a good opportunity for you both to find your mates" my mom said with a gleaming smile across her face. All she wanted was for all her children to be happy with their mates.

"I want you all to be on your best behaviour while they are here. Dont want anything bad to happen."my dad said looking specifically at Kyle and Christain. Knowing that they would try something stupid during the time the other pack would be here.

"Dad you know Christain and i are always angels no matter what" Kyle said a little too sarcastically, that both me and my mom burst out in laughter not been able to hold it back. Where as my brother Alex tried his hardest to hide his laughter but failed miserably.

My mom and dad both got up from the table and said good night to all of us before they headed up to bed. Kyle and Christain both shot up from their cheers and sprinted towards the lounge to play video games. I took the last sip of my tea before i got up and gave my brother Alex a hug goodnight, he seemed to be busy with some homework so i didnt want to disturb him. When i entered my room i went straight to the shower, i needed one after the long day i had had. After my shower i climbed into bed and turned on the tv to see what was on there to watch. I flipped through the channels when suddenly there was a knock on my door and my brother Christain appeared from behind it.

"Hey Sky could i ask you something" he seemed to be nervous because he didnt make any eye contact with me .

"Yeah, sure Christain, whats up?"

"Well you know Robyn and i are mates" he said as he sat on the edge of my bed and slowly looked up to look at me. I gave him a nod.
"I was kind wanting to take her out somewhere special this weekend on our first date, but i dont know where to take her. Do you have any suggestions since you are her best friend."

"Christain i think she would love anything that you pick out for the two of you. But maybe take her on a picnic and cook for her while your in the outdoors. She really loves nature." I told him. I knew Robyns favourite thing to do was be outside in nature and just sit there for hours just looking at everything. I also knew something like that would be her dream date.

"Thanks Sky i owe you one" Christain said as he walked towards my door.

"Good night Christain"

"Nighty night Sky, sleep tight."

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