Chapter 10

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I sat at the table listening to everyone talking about their day. I didn't say much to anyone as my mind was only on one thing and that was why did I get so angry at my brother where my wolf basically took control. I felt Hunter grab my hand and give it a slight squeeze, my head shot up to his and I gave him a slight smile. He took my hand and gave it a kiss and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Hunter, you and Sky need to meet me in my office tomorrow afternoon as we have some arrangements to go over for the announcement ceremony to my pack" my dad said with a sad smile on his face. I loved both my parents very much and I think they were both sad that their little girl had grown up and found her mate and will be the future luna of the Blood Moon pack. They were going to miss me and I was going to miss them but I was really excited for my future with Hunter, but I was really nervous about the fact that I was going to be luna.

"Yes alpha Damon, we will be there" Hunter said squeezing my hand. I felt a wave of sleepiness over come me and I placed my head on Hunters shoulder. What seemed like minutes later I felt myself being lift and carried in two arms just before I drifted back off to sleep. I awoke to the sound of foot steps and my shower being turned on, so I decided to get out of bed and go check out what was happening. I peeked around the door to see Hunter in the shower and couldn't help but stare at his sculptured body. My eyes roamed from his legs all the way up to his back as his muscles tensed while he was washing his hair, the water seemed to just glide over his perfect skin. I blinked quickly to make sure that I wouldn't miss anything, but when I opened my eyes they were met with a pair of bright blue eyes and a smirk. I couldn't help but remove my eyes from his gaze and roamed his body again which was a big mistake as I felt my cheeks go red seconds later when I realised he was facing me from what I had encountered when I roamed his body the second time. I quickly turned on me heel and jumped straight into my bed and under my blanket so embarrassed of what I had seen. I tried to erase the images from my mind and they wouldn't delete themselves and the more I thought about it the more I felt my cheeks go red and my body heat up.

I was to caught up in everything to notice Hunter had gotten out the shower.

I suddenly felt myself and my blanket being lifted up into the air. I began to squeal and wiggle around to try get out of Hunters grip. My was then place back on my bed and my blanket was thrown onto the floor. At the foot of my bed Hunter stood with just a pair of black basketball shorts that hung off his hips. I looked at his face and he still had the same smirk on his face that he had when he caught me looking at him in the shower. I caught myself staring at his body again.

"Do you like what you see princess" he said with a low growl. My eyes shot up to his and I found his darkening with pure lust. I felt my stomach do summersaults. Hunter slowly climbed into the bed and made his way to me not once taking his eyes off of mine. As he got closer to me the smirk on his face only got bigger. He reached out and put a hand on my lower back and slowly pulled me towards him before laying me down beneath him and giving me a passionate kiss. We both broke away from the kiss gasping for air. We both had lust and love in our eyes. Hunter closed the gape between us again and I thought it was going to be for another passionate kiss when I felt him plant a kiss on my forehead. I couldn't help but giggle like a little girl and look straight into his gorgeous blue eyes, he was staring deep into mine as if he was deep in thought but his eyes show love and caring. That's when I knew the answer to my question and thought that had being bugging me all day.

I loved Hunter!

"Sky" hunter said still looking deep into my eyes.

"Yes Hunter" I answered with a bit of questioning in my voice.

"I love you Sky" as soon as those words were out his mouth I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his lips down to mine. I put as much love and passion into the kiss as I could.

"I love you too Hunter" I said as I broke away from the kiss and looked straight into his eyes. We stared into each others eyes for what seemed like hours before he broke our gaze and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"I think we should get some sleep baby, its getting late." he said as he lay down next to me before retrieving the blankets off the floor and throwing it over our bodies. He lay close to me and I snuggled into his warm chest before he pulled me on top of him and wrapped his arms around me. I place my head on his chest as he gave me a kiss on my head.

"Goodnight baby" he said yawning

"Goodnight" I said before drifting of to sleep with his arms wrapped tightly around my body.

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