Chapter 8

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I was barely awake when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me, sending shivers down my body as I felt the electricity flow through me. I was pulled onto the chest of a half naked Hunter that had heat radiating off of him, making me snuggle into the warmth. He began tracing small circles from the back of my neck all the way down my back before I felt two big hands cup my bum. My head shot up immediately to look at him, to only find him giving me a sexy smirk followed by a wink. I felt my cheeks become warm so they must of being as red as a tomato. I just stared at Hunter in shock. That's when he flipped me over and he was now on top of me, resting his weight on his elbows on either side of me. He placed his lips on mine, giving me a tender kiss which I returned back to him. I ran my fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss, his hands began to roam around my body following ever curve from my neck down. He kiss from my lips to my jaw and down my neck till he found my sweetspot . He nipped at it a little causing me to let out a small moan, he then reach for the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head in one swift movement. He looked down at my body. I was now only wearing my underwear which happened to be lace making everything beneath visible. A low growl erupted from his chest and when his eyes met mine they were black with lust. He bent down and kissed my stomach before I felt his body against mine, but that wasn't the only thing that I felt against me. My eyes quickly locked with his as I let out a small gasp, my cheeks were heating up as a smirk appeared on his face and he held my gaze.

He lowered his lips down to mine and when he was inches away someone cleared their throat by my door. I pushed Hunter off of me and hid under the covers as I hear a growl come from the floor. I peeked out from the blanket to find Hunter on the floor rubbing his head and my brother Alex standing, leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest, trying to hold back from bursting out into laughter and tears. I just slid back under my cover to hide my embarrassment, the level of awkwardness I felt at that moment was off the scales and indescribable .

"Sky dad wants you two downstairs in the next 10 min, he wants to discuss the plans for the next week with your guys pack." Alex said before he turned around and walked downstairs unable to contain his laughter. Before I could even think about doing anything I felt my body and blanket being lifted into mid-air before I came in contact with a muscular chest, my blanket was flung off of me before I was carried all the way downstairs. I was kicking and screaming and even hitting and punching Hunter but he didn't seem to feel a thing, he just laughed at me making me more angry at him than what I already was. He sat me down on the couch next to him. I shifted a little bit away from him, folded my legs on the couch and crossed my arms across my chest because I was now grumpy with him. He looked at me and just gave me a kiss on my forehead before my mom and dad entered the room.

"Good morning you two" my mom said all cheerful.

"Good morning" Hunter and I said at the same time. I just glared at him, as I was still mad at him and he now had to make up for it.

"I hope you slept well Hunter, I have a long day planned for you and I, checking a few basic things out around the pack." my dad ask. He seemed to be a little amused at the fact that I was grumpy with Hunter because he knew the boy had his work cut out for him to at least get me out of my grumpy state.

"Oh darling you and I are going into town, as I need to get a couple of things and I need your help with them." my mom said cheerfully as she loved shopping and I knew we were going to be out until at least dinner time.

"Okay mom"

"I suggest you two head upstairs to get ready, Sky I need you down here in 15 min we need to leave as soon as possible." I nodded my head before I ran upstairs and into the bathroom locking the door so that Hunter couldn't get in. I started my shower and climbed underneath the steaming hot water, when seconds later I heard the door knob being turned and Hunter whimpering when he figured that it was lock. I gave a small laugh before getting out and wrapping my towel around my body. I unlocked the door and headed straight to my cupboard to find something to wear. As I walked in I was met with a brick wall and fell backwards but before I hit the floor Hunter grabbed me and pulled me towards his chest.

"Hey princess are you okay? I didn't hear the shower stop." he said to me as he looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine Hunter" I said as I hugged him I couldn't stay mad at him because it just felt wrong. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"I need to go princess before neither of us makes it out of this room today." he said with a smirk on his face while eyeing out my body. My cheeks went red as soon as I understood what he meant and I threw one of my jerseys at him as he walked out of my closet and him being him he simply caught it and hung it over my desk chair as he exited my room. Uggg this man was frustrating I thought to myself but I love him.


Did I love Hunter?...

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