Chapter 11

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Sky's dress above...

Today was the day of the announcement ceremony. Hunter and I had spent the whole of yesterday with my dad planning everything, we were only supposed to be with him during the afternoon but he had changed his mind and made us have an all day meeting and we had decided to have the ceremony today rather than waiting because Hunter needed to get back to his pack. Hunter had his beta notify his pack that they were all to attend a ceremony in the Blue Moon pack tonight. As he thought doing one big ceremony rather than two was a better idea and way easier.

I hadn't seen Hunter since last night because we weren't allowed to see each other before tonight, it was similar to the bride and groom not be allowed to see each other before the wedding on the wedding day except that this ceremony only took part at midnight and mainly on a full moon. As the full moon made our wolves stronger and the mate bond will then be stronger because of our wolves been extremely powerful.

I stood by my window watching everything being set up outside for tonight, Hunter and my dad were directing people in all directions with stuff that had to be done. I watched as Hunters muscle flexed and tensed every time he pointed in a different direction of where he wanted stuff to be. There was a knock on my door and I turned around to see my mom enter my room.

"Darling are you ready to head into town?" my mom asked. She had insisted that I need a new dress for tonight but I didn't see why I needed a new one because I had hundreds of dresses in my cupboard that would of being perfectly fine for tonight.

"Yes I am mom, but I don't see why I need a new dress." I whined while walking down the stairs to garage. I climbed into my moms car and we drove off into town. It was now 6pm and we had being in town at the mall since 10am, but that's what you expect when you go shopping with my mom and she made me try on at least 50 dresses if not more till we found the one. It was strapless and white and had silver diamonds under my boobs, it went all the way to the floor. I also bought a pair of silver stilettos and had my nails done in a French manicure. When we got back to the house my mom made me something small to eat before I started to get ready, while I waited I sat with a red bull on the couch and watched whatever was on tv because I wasn't in the mood to search for something to watch. About 30 min later my mom walked into the lounge with a plate of food for me and a packet of chips. I began eating as I was starving and didn't get time to eat anything while we were shopping because my mom said we didn't have enough time, when I opened my packet of chips my mom brought me another red bull.

"You're going to need all the energy you can get for tonight darling." my mom said with a smirk on her face, I didn't understand what she meant because the ceremony was only an hour long and the by 1am I would be in bed able to sleep. I just shrugged and opened the second can of red bull. I saw it was 7 pm, so I decided to go up stairs and have a hot shower. After my shower I went and sat on my chair in front of my mirror and began drying my hair. My mom walked through the door and started curling my hair while I did my make up. I had my hair loose and curled with two braids on the top half of my head creating a band around to the back of my head, I then created a light nude smokey eye with browns and I placed eyeliner on my waterline just to make it a bit darker and bring out my eyes.

I stood in front of my mirror and looked myself over, I put my dress on and my heels and did a twirl. I had to say I looked really pretty and I couldn't help but smile.

"Darling let me take a few pictures of you so you can remember this night" my mom said grabbing her camera and ushering for me to go downstairs to take pictures. She ran past me and stood at the bottom of the stairs snapping away as I made my way down. My three brothers and my dad as well as Robyn stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. My dad held out his hand for me to take it and I did so and stepped off the last step, the whole time my mom was still taking pictures, there are going to be hundreds to look at. I looked at Robyn to see her jaw hanging on the floor and her eyes were glued to me.

"Umm Robyn I think you should close your mouth, your drooling all over the floor." I said laughing at her and she quickly snapped her jaw closed.

"Sorry Sky, you just look so stunning, I dibs taking pictures with you first." she said as so grabbed my arm and pulling me towards her. I stood next to her and we struck all of our well practised posses. Once I was finished taking pictures with everyone including my parents it was 11:30 pm and I looked out the window to see thousands of people gathered outside chatting away.

"Christain, aren't you Kyle and Alex supposed to be with Hunter helping him get ready?" Robyn asked the three of them. They all looked at each other and were out the house in three seconds and off to where ever Hunter was getting ready. Robyn and I began laughing.

"Sky I cant believe that after tonight you will officially be the luna of the Blood Moon pack" Robyn said with tears in her eyes.

"Rob don't cry I don't want you to mess up your make up and mine as well because you are going to make me start crying any seconded now" I said pulling her into a hug. "And Robyn ill always be around because the packs will now be I alliance with each other" I said a I pulled away from her and rested my hands onto her shoulders.

"You better otherwise im going to be extremely mad at you." she said with a fake pout and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Sky are you ready?" my dad asked as he entered the room. I nodded my head and my mom and Robyn both gave me a hug before they went to join everyone outside and tell them to take their seats. I looked up at my dad as he hugged and gave me a kiss.

"I cant believe my little girl is growing up so fast." he said as he squeezed me tighter.

"Ill always be your little girl dad but if you don't loosen your grip you're going to kill me" I said bearly able to breath. He let go of me and I placed my arm in his as we stood facing the front door.

"You ready Sky?"

"Im ready as ill ever be dad" I said and a bunch of nerves hit me. Seconds later my brothers Kyle and Christain opened the backdoor that revealed a long ready carpet stretch along to where Hunter stood at the end with chairs on either side. I gave my brothers each a smile which they returned and then looked at my dad.

"I love you Sky." my dad said squeezing my hand slightly.

"I love you too dad"

"Well lets get my little girl to her Alpha before he gets anymore impatient as what he is now." my dad said laughing and I couldn't help but laugh with him as I turned back to look at where Hunter stood and took my first step towards my future.

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