Chapter 2

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As I rode into the schools parking lot, where teenagers had gather, standing around their cars chatting. I spotted my brother Alex's car and found a spot open next to it, that is one thing that I love about my oldest brother and it was that he was always looking out for me no matter what and always checked up on me during my classes.

I got off my bike and taking off my helmet to place it on my bike. I began fixing my hair when I heard whistles coming from the same direction a group of guys were standing and looking at me. I didn't even bother paying attention towards them, as I didn't want my first day of school starting off with me kicking some guys ass. It would be pretty easy for me to do it as I was a wolf and most of the people that went to my school, White Waters High, were werewolves and the rest were average human beings. The humans and werewolves lived in harmony as the humans weren't afraid of us and they knew we weren't here to harm them.

I began my journey towards the front doors of the school, when I heard a squall coming from my right and as I turned my head to see who it was I was tackled to the ground by someone. As I hit the floor I caught the scent of rose petals mixed with lemon and that's when I realised my best friend Robyn was the cause of me and her to be on the ground. She never knew how to just simply say "hello".

"Well hello to you too Robyn" I said to her trying to hold back my laughter while pretending to be angry at her.

"Sky I've missed you so much. You should have come to Germany with me because doing things without you isn't the same. And I had no one to talk to about how hot the guys were or even to be my wing-women" she said with a sad look in her eyes which turned into a huge grin when she wrapped her arms around my neck to give me a hug.

As we stood up I noticed she kept glancing behind me. I turned around to look in the direction that she was, that's when I realised she kept glancing at my brother Christian. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and waited till she came back down to earth before I continued speaking to her.



"Robyn!" I shouted for the third time.

"Yes, sorry what were you saying" she looked at me a little confused.

"Welcome back to earth. Could I get you any refreshments after your long space out" I said sarcastically, my arms still folded across my chest.

Robyn wrapped her arm in mine and just laughed at me. We began heading towards the front doors and through the hallways towards our homeroom class. Robyn and i were always lucky as we had basically every class together besides one. We walked into homeroom to find that it was basically empty and the only people that were in there were reading or trying to figure out their schedules. Robyn went to find us seats while i walked up to the teachers desk and grab Robyn and myself each a schedule.
As i turned to find Robyn she had a gleemig smile on her face as she wave me over to the seats she picked for us. I hand her, her schedule and took a seat next to her. We began discussing schedules and the first thing we thought about was lunch, we both let out a growl when we saw lunh was only at 11:30am and for someone like me who constantly has to have food in their hand i was never going to survive, Robyn would have to drag me to lunch.

I heard mumbles from the girls that sat in front of the class to see what was going on amd to my surprise it was my brothers Kyle and Christian who had entered the room, those two were serious heartbreakers. As they walked into class they both gave the girls the panty-dropping-smirk, which seem to be working as the floor was covered in drool. I turned to Robyn to only find she was spaced out and staring right at..... I looked up and met my brother Christains gaze which was directly at Robyn. He gave her his award winning smile amd i quickly glanced at her to find that she was blushing amd she quickly covered it up by placing her head in her arms.

I looked back at my brothers Christain with a puzzled look to only find him still staring at Robyn with a smile i had only seen in photos and when we used to play together as kids. It was full of love, affection and adoration, it could make anyones heart melt. It was the way every girl wanted a guy to look at her.... and thats when it clicked. They were mates.
I quickly looled at Robyn in shock. How could she not tell me her and my brother were mates. We've only like been friends since the day we could both walk and we shared everythig with eachother, we were basically the same person.

"Robyn why are you blushing?" I asked her knowing the exact reason.

"Ummm...well...nevermind its nothing" she gave me a shy smile and i knew something was up. One thing about been friends for almost 17 years was that we couldnt really lie to one another, it was literally impossible, thats how well we knew one another.

"Robyn you know you can tell me anything and i can see theres something that you are hiding from me, so spill". I was starting to get a little annoyed but attempted to stay calm.

"Well.... your brother and i are kind of mates" she said as her cheeks went a bright red.

I knew it i was always right. Well speak of the devil.

"Hey sis" my brother Christain had made his way over to me and Robyn.

"Hey what brings you into this neighbourhood? I thought you amd kyle were in the other homeroom class?" I asked a little confused.

"We were. But i got us moved to this class because im Rob...." he quickly shot Robyn a worried look think he had said something wrong. Robyn grab his hand and intertwined their fingers and gave him a slight squeeze to indicate he had said nothing wrong.

"I moved here so i could be with Robyn as we take all the same classes but by being in the other homeroom class we wont be in the same classes but now we will. So ill get to see her all day everyday" he said with a smile so wide it looked like it was going to fall of his face. I smiled at them both and gave them a hug just as the bell rang.

We looked at each other before we headed off to class. We all had english first, one of the most entertaining lessons of our day. We walked into the class and took our seats and began chatting amungst ourselves when the door opened and silence filled the room. In skipped our happy english teacher, it seemed like she enjoyed her holiday.
The rest of the day took for ever to go past, but as the final bell went i said my goodbyes to Robyn who was making out with my brother which was so wrong on so many levels. I then ran to my bike as i had missed it all day, i quickly put on my helmet and climbed on. I decided to go for a ride as we werent given any homework and i still had an hour before i had to be home.

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