Chapter 7

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Hunter's P.O.V

"Well Hunter could I please speak to you in my office, it seems we have a bit to discuss." alpha Damon said motion for me to walk towards his office. I planted a chaste kiss on Sky's forehead before following his order.

I reached his office door and entered with him on my tail. He walked around his large wooden desk and sat down in his large leather chair. He had his finger entwined in front of his face, looking down at his lap. He slowly untangled them before he looked up at me. There was an awkward silence between us for a few minutes before he spoke. "Congratulations Alpha Hunter." he said with the biggest smile on his face and my nerves instantly disappeared.

"Thank you Alpha Damon." 

"Well Hunter it looks like you are apart of the family now. Just remember she is still my little girl, even if she is your mate, if you break your heart I'm going to break you." he said with sternness in his voice. He gave me a subtle smile before wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"Alpha Damon I promise to protect and love your daughter as long as I live"

"Good. Lets return back to the women before they discuss everything without us, as you know that they tend to get carried away." he said while opening his office door.

Sky's P.O.V

My mom, my brothers and I sat in the lounge discussing what will happen next, when my dad and Hunter walked into the room. Hunter was by my side in seconds with his arm wrapped protectively around me and I snuggled myself right into his body.

"Hunter I suppose that your pack will still be staying with us for the next few weeks or has that plan changed?" my dad asked curiously.

" We will be staying and wont be changing the arrangements that we made, this time there will be even more reason for our packs to fully join and unite as one in peace." he said looking down at me with the biggest smile on his face and love in his eyes. I looked straight into his eyes and saw the love and passion he held in them, not only for me but for the well being of his pack. I couldn't help but get a warm fuzzy feeling inside of my tummy. The doorbell rang bringing us all out of our thoughts, Hunter lifted his head up from looking at me to looking at my father before he spoke in a calm tone.

"That must be my beta and third-in-command." My father nodded before heading to the door with Hunter. When they returned two men followed behind them. The both bowed their heads to me as a sign of respect, Hunter must of told them that he had found his mate and their luna, I gave them both a smile. Hunter returned to my side.

"Let me show you all to your rooms that you shall be staying in." my mom said with a grin on her face which meant she was up to something. Before she moved she spaced out form a few seconds, which meant her and my dad were mid linking each other. They gave each other a grin as I stared at them both in confusing, well what ever my mom was up to my dad now knew about it and he seemed to be fine with is. My dad planted a kiss on my moms cheek before he sat down in his chair and switched the tv on and began watching the news.

"Well you three come with me." my mom motioned for the three of them to follow her as she headed upstairs. I took a seat and began flipping through a magazine that I found on the table. I placed the magazine back on the table and decided that after a long day I needed a hot bath.

Walking up the stairs I felt a wave of sleepiness dorm over my body. I made it to my room hearing all the hustle and bustle of people bringing their bags into the house and into their allocated rooms. I walked into my bathroom and began running my bath and lit the vanilla and caramel scented candles around my bath. I turned the lights off and climbed into the hot steamy water, my body instantly relaxed and the smell of the candles was heavenly. After an hours long bath, I climbed out and wrapped my gown around my body. I walked into my room and headed for my closet when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my body. It felt as if electricity was running through my body from the touch and I knew exactly who the pair of arms belonged too. I felt my body being spun around and I landed up face to face with a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Hunter what are you doing in my room?" I said with a shaky breath, my eyes not moving from his.

"This is the room your mom showed me too" he said with a smirk on his face. I knew my mom was up to something. I gave him a peck on the lips before I walked into my closet to put on a pair of boxers and a strappy top to sleep in, when I walked back into my room Hunter was no where to be seen. Then I heard the shower turn on and I realised that he must of gone to go shower but he had left the door open so I decided to close it for him. As I reached out my hand to close the door my eyes caught the sight of a muscular back standing in my shower and I couldn't help but stare

"I see your enjoying the view" I was snapped out of my daydream to see Hunter standing before me with a towel around his waist and water dripping down his 8 pack towards his v-line and then to where the towel began, I so badly wanted to see beneath that towel , I thought to myself. Fingers slowly began to lift my chin up before I was met by Hunter's bright blue eyes and that oh so sexy smirk on his face which made me weak in the knees. His lips were then against mine kissing me softly yet passionately, I closed the distance between us. The water that was running down his bare chest had now made my strappy top wet and see through. His eyes began to roam around my body. I felt my cheeks become warm and I must of being as red as a tomato but when he looked back into my eyes his weren't a bright blue anymore they were black with passion, love and lust in them. I closed my eyes when I felt his hand caress my cheek, I leaned into his touch as it sent electricity through my cheek, he then placed his forehead against mine and we stood there in silence.

"Sky I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do and right now I don't think it would be the best thing to push things to fast. As much as I would love to mark you as mine, I also want to take things slow." he said with love and desire in his voice. I placed my lips of his pouring all the passion and love I could into that one kiss.

"Thank you Hunter, I think we better get you dressed before I'm tempted to do something." I said with a slight smirk on my face.

"As you wish beautiful." he said as he walked into the closet and I heard the towel drop to the floor. My thoughts began to wander off into places that they shouldn't be. I came back down to earth for a few seconds when Hunter walked back into the room wearing a pair of purple boxers that showed off his body and my thoughts went back to the place that they were before. I felt Hunters arms wrap around me and carry me to the bed. He lifted the covers and climbed in. He looked at me and patted the bed next to him, I quickly climbed in next to him, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his body before he nestled his nose into my neck.

"Goodnight my Luna" he said with a sleepy yawn.

"Goodnight my Alpha" I said as I dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

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