Chapter 6

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I arrived home within 5 min , that was the fastest that I had ever rode home. I got off my bike, took my helmet off and took my keys out of my bike. I walked to the front door and the only thing that I could think about was my encounter in the hallway with the boy with the bright blue eyes. As the images flashed through my head it made my knees weak and I needed to get inside as fast as I could, once I manage to get the door open a wonderful smell hit me... Chocolate chip cookies... yum. It seems that my mom had been busy all morning preparing food for the alpha of the Blood Moon pack arrival. Right now I wasn't in the mood to share my house with guests after what happened today, I really just needed my space with no one here to bug me. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom taking muffins out of the oven, my mom didn't mind whether my brothers and I actually went to school because she was capable of home schooling us, as she was a qualified teacher.

"Hey mom, what you making?" she had some sort of mixture in a bowl and I couldn't quiet figure out what it was, but I had to admit it tasted really good.

"Hey sweetheart, well those are pancakes and the bowl in front of you is waffles." she said with a gentle smile across her face. My mom loved being in the kitchen and cooking, my dad told us that when she was pregnant with my two brothers and me, she was constantly in the kitchen cooking food for herself.

"Everything smells amazing mom, I'm going to go up to my room and watch movies." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay darling, ill bring you a waffle and some orange juice up just now."

"Thank you mom I would love that."

I headed up the stairs to my room. I plopped myself on my bed and turned on my tv, I checked my phone to see if I had a texted from Robyn, but there wasn't. I wasn't going to stress she had my brother to make sure she was safe. As I was flicking through the channels I saw that fast and furious 7 was on and I decided to watch that. I woke up to the smell of waffles and orange juice on my side table with a note from my mom. She just left the plate and glass there because I had falling asleep and that I could eat it once I woke up, I glanced at my phone to see that it was 5pm. I quickly ate the waffle and drank my orange juice before heading into my bathroom to take a hot bath. Once I was done I walked into my cupboard looking for something decent to wear as I knew that we were having guests for dinner.

Sweetheart, please come downstairs our guests are here and your father would like you to meet them. My mom said through the mind link. I placed some light pink lip gloss on with some mascara and eyeliner. I slipped on a pair of my black heels and I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a blue flowy dress that came down to midthigh with black heels. I walked down the hallway to the stairs to only feel my wolf starting to get anxious and excited, I honestly couldn't understand why. As I reached the stairs I heard people speaking and one of the voices sent shivers through my body. I took a few steps down and glanced up only to be met by a pair of bright blue eyes. They were the same bright blue eyes from the mystery man from school and in all my thoughts. My wolf was trying to say something but I was blocking her out because I didn't want to listen to her. I was frozen in place just staring into those bright blue eyes when my dad snapped me out of it.

"Sky this is Alpha Hunter of the Blood Moon pack. Why don't you come down and greet him." I simply nodded and my dad looked at me with a confused expression on his face. I reached the bottom of the stairs and stood next to my dad. It took me a few seconds to gain my courage before I lifted my head to meet those bright blue eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Alpha Hunter and welcome to our pack, I hope you enjoy your stay here." I said with as much strength in my voice as I could.

"Thank you Sky, I think ill be enjoying my stay very much." he gave me a smirk which made me want to take him straight to my room. I quickly snapped out of it before anything happened. He was still staring at me intensely, even through dinner he hardly took his eyes off of me. Once everyone was finished I got up to clear the table of dessert bowls and bring in the coffee because my mom had been busy all day with preparing everything. I placed the mugs and coffee pot on the table with milk and sugar, I excused myself and went to sit in the lounge and I put the tv on. For the first time tonight my heartbeat began to slow down and I was thankful for that as my stomach had been doing lips the whole time during dinner, just simply being in the same room as Hunter drove me crazy and his scent was so intoxicating. I found SpongeBob square pants to watch for a little bit before I got bored, so I decided to head up to my room. I was halfway up the stairs when I felt a pair of string arms wrap around my body and pick me up, the touch sent tingles through my body which I had never felt before but they felt amazing and I was frightened my the arms that were carrying my down the hallway to my room as I felt safe and protect in them.

I was place on the ground again once we had reached my room and my door was closed. I turned around to find a pair of bright blue eyes staring directly into mine. Without saying anything he slowly began to close the distance between us and I'm sure he could hear that my heart was about to explode through my chest. He placed his one hand on the small of my back and brought my body close to his. I finally gained the courage to speak.

"You're the one that kissed me down my neck at school." my voice sounded a little shaky but I managed to get a full sentence out at least.

"Yes Sky I am, you have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you every inch of my just wants to protect you and to make sure nothing ever happens to you for as long as I live." he said not removing his eyes from mine.

"Something about you drives my wolf absolutely crazy, but I've being trying my best to ignore him. But I want to find out exactly why you drive him and me crazy." the look in his eyes showed me that he was telling the truth and just the way he looked at me made me want to stay in his arms like this forever. He placed his other hand on the side of my face and stopped.

"Sky may I have the honor of kissing you?" he asked with the look of passion and love in his eyes. I didn't say anything, I just closed the distance between us. I felt his soft lips on mine and my body felt like it was on fire. My wolf began howling and I was to busy to try and ignore her. The kiss became more passionate and that's when my wolf began to speak. He's our mate Sky. Was he really my mate were the things that I felt for him because he was my mate? We both pulled away at the same time trying to catch our breath. I was staring directly into his eyes that looked at me with so much love. We stood there in complete silence just looking at each other like it was the last time we would see each other, before he broke the silence.

"Sky you're my mate, my luna, a gift brought to me in a time of need when I thought nothing would ever make me happy again. Sky would you please be my mate and my luna?" the look in his eyes made me want to be with him forever. I stood on my tippy toes and planted a kiss on his lips before pulling away and looking into his eyes. I didn't need to say anything else because that was all he need as an answer and his eyes lite up and the biggest smile appeared on his face before he crashed his lips against mine once again while picking me up and spinning me around not letting my body move away from him. He set me down on my feet and gave me a kiss on my forehead before he grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs.

My parents were sitting in the living room drinking their coffee and tea and having a few biscuits when we entered the room. Alex looked between me and Hunter with wide eyes before Kyle cleared his throat. My parents turned around to look at what Alex was staring at to notice Hunter and I standing side by side. He placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer to him. I saw my moms eyes light up with joy and a huge smile spread across her face from ear to ear. My dad stood there with a slight smile on his face I could see that he was happy that I had found my mate but he didn't want to loose his little princess. I gave them both a smile before looking up at Hunter who's eyes were fixed on me as if he was scared that I was going to run away. My dad cleared his throat.

"Well Hunter could I please speak to you in my office, it seems we have a bit to discuss." he said motioning for Hunter to walk towards his office. Hunter placed a kiss on my hair before following my fathers command. When they were both out of the room my mom walked towards me with tears in her eyes and gave me a hug.

"My little girls is growing up so fast, I'm so happy that you found your mate sweetheart." she hugged me tighter. My brothers all stood up and gave me and hug and congratulated. I took a seat on the couch and the only thing that I could think about was that why did my dad need to speak to Hunter. I turned my head to look at his office door and my thoughts began to drift.

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