Stargazer (Part One)

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Cyrus's POV:

I woke up to another rude awakening by Kier. Every morning he would find something different to throw at me, today it happened to be a boot. More often than not I miss the days when he used to sleep all day. Whilst reminiscing of the days I could sleep my eyes adjusted to the high key lighting as I sat up and looked at him.

"Wakey Wakey Stargazer...You overslept its late in the afternoon!" Kier claimed.

I yawned and climbed out of bed. Half awake, I got dressed and joined Kier in the kitchen. The house looked an utter mess. Nothing had been tidied for at least a week. The table was littered with empty beer bottles as well as favours from the ladies kier had recently courted. Plates and cups were thrown in the sink, some now chipped or cracked. Disgusted, I frowned at the chaos.

"We really need to clean up!" I said as I took my goggles off of Wet Panda and slipped them onto my head.

"Yeah well...I'm going to the Pub. I need to talk to Laurence and I'm pretty sure Lilly and Ava will be with him again!" Kier said smiling, winking at me not so subtly.

Lilly! I wanted to go with Kier but I couldn't. I had promised that I would meet Drew to go see Amelia as she left work. I don't know what it is but lately all I can think about is Lilly. Something so unique about her makes me feel so ecstatic but when I see her I'm too scared to say anything coherent. After long debates with myself I'm convinced it's because I'm worried she won't like me and will hysterically laugh at me rather than smile cutely the way she does when no one else is looking. Who knows, she's probably betrothed to someone else and has been since birth, she is a princess after all.

I don't know how to get any girl, especially not like Kier could. I don't have neither Kier's nor Laurence's confidence nor Drew's absolute cuteness. Then again...I honestly don't think that Lilly would be that cruel and laugh at me, from what I have seen she is far too sweet yet every rose has its thorns.

"I might come down and meet you after Drew goes away with Amelia, he should be waiting outside for me about now." I said smiling, secretly hoping he would leave quickly.

"Are you going to talk to her?" Kier questioned bluntly.

"That's a bit of a stupid question, don't you think? I always talk to Amelia." It was an odd question considering I had known Amelia as long as Drew had, so of course we would talk.

"I meant Lilly...I can tell you like her. Seriously just talk to her...She's alright, and just as weird as you...Scratch that, I think she may be worse." Kier said shrugging.

"I want to but...I don't know...What would I say? I mean I guess it would be easier if I knew whether she feels the same or not." I blurted out before sighing. Had I really been that obvious around her? Maybe she already knew and didn't want to talk to me, blatantly that had to be it, otherwise she would have said something, surely?

"You never know unless you ask her!" He said standing up.

"Its not that simple...I'm nowhere near as confident as you!" I said frowning.

"Do you want me to ask her? Or maybe you could give her a note, like when we were kids?!" He asked smiling and clapped his hands like an overly excited seal, obviously remembering when I used to write the notes for him to give to the girls because I had the neatest handwriting. Often he would ask me to leave a little doodle in the corner to make it seem more personal...he has always been a flirt.

"No. If you say anything I will kill you!" I warned him.

He began to laugh. I knew I didn't stand a chance in a fight with Kier but I could still make empty threats to him, after all I do have the welding tools to make it seem more realistic.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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