Could We Burn Darling? (Part One)

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Laurence's POV

Finally I was returning home. I had been away for a while now. Some royal business the Cardinal sent me on. I didn't mind, in fact it was nice to get away, since His weird daughters have been around. I needed to be away from this place so I can forget her....

"Laurence...Welcome home!" Two very annoying and familiar voices shouted.

I looked up to see two girls walking over. One had hair like fire, I instantly knew it was Lilly. The other had hair dark as the night, obviously Ava. They had both gotten very beautiful while I had been away.

"Hello...You two, looking older I see!" I said happily which surprised me. "How old are you now, are you legal?" The question was cheeky, I just had to ask it. A small wink was aimed at the two girls.

"Yes, we are now physically seventeen...Mentally we still are smarter than you and in your human years about...Two!" Lilly explained happily.

They were so confusing, and enjoyed making me feel stupid. They were born two years ago, their mother had an affair with the Cardinal. She had been a lovely woman and equally as beautiful as her daughters. I never understood why on earth she had fallen for the Cardinal, especially when He is incapable of any emotion except hate, anger and desire. At first He didn't believe her that they were His, because as a vampire-the original vampire-He thought He was unable to create life, instead He thought He could only destroy it. But eventually He accepted it, He unsuccessfully tried to bite her to make her immortal although she died and somehow the two brats survived being twelve weeks premature. They had the appearance of a five year old in two days and from then they had always been very smart and growing at an extremely fast pace..

"The bet!" Ava chimed, smirking at Lilly. Her long dark hair was worn loose and shined to just above her elbow. Some of it had been pulled away from her face to show her perfect jaw line. Her lips were a deep red, almost as deep as her eyes, of which were the colour of blood. It was so unnaturally beautiful.

"No...Not now...He just got home...Give me some time!" Lilly protested. I had always admired Lilly, she had been unique since the beginning. She stood out from the crowd although she liked to keep to herself. Her burning orange hair was long, however not as long as Ava's, it stopped a few inches below her shoulders when it was loose. At the moment it was tied into two plaits, each fell down covering her ears. A black ribbon held each plait secure and in place. Strands of her hair were different lengths and fell free from the plaits. They curled slightly and gave her hair a messy but good look. She was the complete opposite to Ava. Her lips were ruby like blood and her mouth was held in a straight line, obvious anger at her sister showing through. Their eyes were the same colour, which is what kept them apart from every other being. Their blood eyes.

I looked at them and frowned. What had they involved me in now?

When they were eight they enjoyed playing cruel tricks on me. It was just little things that really get on my nerves and made me want to kill them at times. Once they gave me blood instead of wine to drink. Luckily the Cardinal said something before I drank any. But I got off lightly with how they treated me compared to others. A guard insulted them and disappeared shortly after entering the library without permission.

The library was Lilly's den. She only ever allows Ava in there and frankly I'm too scared to even dare to go inside it.

The Cardinal never punished them, instead He found it quite humorous and evil. Instead He praised them and it made me sick to the core.

"The Cardinal wants to speak to you...About something!" Ava claimed as she grabbed one of my arms and wrapped it around her as if she were flirting, like always.

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