Feed My Addiction (Part Two)

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I couldn't sleep. Kier kept running through my mind. Why did our kiss not work? What is wrong with me? I need to see him. To talk to him. Did he feel the same? What are these questions in my mind? I couldn't leave the palace this late at night. It was too risky.

My bed suddenly seemed so uncomfortable as I began to toss and turn trying to get to sleep. It wasn't going to work. I would never be able to sleep. I'm not like Laurence who can just close his eyes and then be out like a candle for hours. Ugh I had to do something. My fingers lifted up to my hair and ruffled it due to stress, I swear I could punch a hole in the wall right about now.

I sat up in my bed and began to tap my fingers. It was no use. I had to get out, I had to do something.

Quickly I climbed out of bed and crept towards my clothes trying not to wake Lilly. I pulled on my cloak and brought by boots to my bed. I couldn't handle wearing a corset this late in the night so I had found a nice cotton dress with exquisite hand embroidery throughout the fabric. There where few layers to my skirt which covered my feet. I sat down and began to pull my boots on even though they would go unnoticed from underneath my flowing skirt.

"Where you going?" Lilly's muffled voice climbed from under the silk pillow covering her face.

"Nowhere..." I lied.

"Don't lie Ava I'm not your mother I just want to know incase I need to cover for you and so I know where you are and that you are safe!" She said.

Lilly is always moody when she can't sleep and she probably doesnt want me to see Kier anyway. I sighed and put my boots on. I stood up and walked over to the door. I put my hand on the handle and looked back at her.

"To see him." I muttered knowing she would hear me.

I pulled open the door and stepped outside, I didn't want to stay and listen to her moan about me being with him. I silently crept through the palace. The sound of laughter sprung from down the stairs. I walked down them to find a large group of vampires around a huddle of people abducted in the night or who have been arrested or who work in the palace. I watched as they ripped the humans apart. Blood pouring from their freshly dying flesh. I could hear cries and screams muffled as laughter triumphed. I felt sick. Lilly and I could always hear this laughter but we would never have guessed it was for this sick feast.

I quickly continued towards the door when something caught my attention. The maid. The one the Cardinal likes to play with. The one who is always with him and ready to please him. She was sneaking around the library. She crept out with a fearful yet disappointed look on her face. Clearly she hasn't found Lilly's secret weapons or anything to get us into trouble that she can hold against us.

I watched her to before I continued down the corridor. I left the palace feeling an uneasy fear wash over me. I was afraid someone will see me. someone will tell my father. He will kill me.

I bit back my fear and pulled my hood up. I quickly rushed to Kier's house. I could remember my way and a wash if relief hit me as I touched the door. I knocked gentely not to cause alarm or draw attention to me from any others. I waited but there was no answer.

"Kier?" I whispered loudly as I knocked again.

I waited and again no answer. Where could he be? I considered going home but my fear picked up. I would surly be caught at this time of night. getting out I was lucky getting back in is harder. I slid down the door and sat outside. Where is he? I am too afraid to look for him in town as I know I will get easily spotted or targeted and caught. The cold wind caught me and I shivered. I wrapped the cloak tighter around me, as I waited for him to return.

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