Feed My Addiction (Part One)

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Ava's POV

I awoke with the events of last night branded into my mind. There was a chill in the air. Lilly was up. UGH! I hated that she would go out on the balcony in the morning and make our room cold. I sat up in my bed and pulled my silk duvet tighter around me.

"Morning!" She said smiling. She was too peppy in the mornings, it amazed yet horrified me.

"Why do you let the cold in?" I asked frowning, my voice croaky and causing an ache to build in my throat.

"Its fun to wake you up...Anyway im going to see Laurence...Are you coming?" She asked smiling. Her blood red eyes sparkled with excitement.

"No me and Laurence need to spend some time apart!" I said grimacing as memories filled my mind.

I felt annoyed. Why did Laurence have to pass out? We should of left him and told our Father that he was taking some form of amphetamines. Well at least I didn't have to carry him. I held the doors open while Kier and Lilly carried him. I loved to act like the weak one. Hiding my dark side deep within.

"Technically it's Laurence and I, you really need to improve your grammar otherwise social events will be the death of your tormented soul." Lilly's posh voice chimed in with her short speech.

"Whatever. I'm just going to stick here a while!" I claimed trying to hold back my real intentions.

Lilly looked at me and smiled. How in hell could I never lie to her? She could always see through my perfect lies. It was like she was in my head or something. On the other hand she could never tell the exact details of what I was really going to do.

"Be careful!" My older sister said in a serious voice. Maybe this time she knew my intentions...

I frowned. I do really like him but I don't think I am ready for anything serious...Yet. Lilly looked at me and smiled again.

"Have fun with him!" She said before she left and winked at me.

I now understood what she meant a moment ago. Be careful not to get caught by our Father or one of His pets. I nodded as things began to make sense for one of those weird moments.

I jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Hastily I crept through the palace. I knew all the best blind spots and easy ways to sneak around and get out without anyone noticing me. I stepped out into the garden and looked up at the blossom tree. Our mother's blossom tree. It's sweet smell filled my nose. I noticed the gap in the hedge. It was just large enough for me to fit through without making even more of a hole, I stepped forward when footsteps echoed behind me.

"Hello princess!" A human boy said smiling at me. He seemed only a few years older than my appearing age.

"Erm...Hello...I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked politely.

"I...I'm Eric..." He said clearly trying to deepen his voice.

"'Well Eric is there something in particular that you want?" I asked smiling kindly.

"Wow, you, uh...Heaven must be missing an angel!" I giggled at his pick up line. He smiled thinking his flirting was working. It wasn't although it was quite cute though until there was deep laughter behind him.

"Her...Ava! An angel!" Laurence stood in fits of laughter.

I frowned at him. I could see Eric was frowning as well.

"You already have a princess I want this one!" Eric claimed.

I looked at him in shock. Did he realise that I was standing here. Laurence was still laughing at him causing him to get angry. Would he punch Laurence? No he couldn't the Cardinal would kill him for treason or something...I don't know, I don't listen in lessons.

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